“Great Temple” of Amon-Ra at ‘Ipet-Sut’ (“Karnak”), ‘Uaset’-Thebes, detail from the interior wall of the Hypostyle Hall, west half of the south wall, upper register: the ritual of the “Net Hunting”. from left to right, Khnum (ram-headed), Thoth (ibis-headed) and Seshat-Neith
Symbol of the solitary wanderer – the Hermit, the Hanged Man – whose path transcends. The Stag holds the keys to the Gates and it walks in worlds innumerable. It follows the wild path – the crooked path – and beckons for you to follow.
Could also ~theoretically~ be used in conjunction with Cernunnos, if that’s what you’re into.
Tutankhamun’s pectoral: two baboons wearing moondiscs support a scarab wearing a sundisc in the solar barque. Symbolically, this is the god Thoth supporting the sun-god in his journey through the sky. At the Cairo Museum; snapped by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra.