The 3rd image above shows the most common glyphs (individual graphic units) that can be found in the sigils (seals) for Goetic spirits.
A hypothesis is that the sigils represent some attributes or characteristics of the spirits in question, in the same way that a company logo is meant to represent a corporation.
We can see that many of the sigils exhibit “bilateral symmetry”, which is also a property of biological organisms (including humans).
An additional hypothesis is that the seals represent a “circuit diagram” for the spirit, showing how it processes what all non-material entities thrive on: our attention.
Image Credit: The poster containing the seals and descriptions of the spirits is from L-Lawliet.
Working on my shorthand grimoire with spells , sigils, talismans that will be my pocket travelers. Those papers will be torn, burned, swallowed, given, hidden, used in rituals, in any kind of situation. I made 8 main sections with a sigil that describes it : Protection talisman magick, space blessing & banishment, self enchantment (I call it Buff magic), object enchantment , Spirits & God summons, War magick, Demon summoning, Chaos magick.
Papers include various things from various cultures or self inspired , written or drawn sigils, void evocation stuff. It’s awesome being chaos magickian right ; )
On one side of paper is a sigil, on the other side is written short explanation of what sigil does. It’s helpful and also it sets in stone what is expected from it.
Section papers have a big sigil in corresponding color with corresponding numbers on the other side for extra power. Sides of this flashcards have a golden yellow and purple paper, I will draw extra golden sigils into it.
After finishing everything, it’s time to make a special ritual of bonding with grimoire and giving it extra magickal fuel 😉
all the best, chaotically
This is an amazingly awesome idea!
Re-reblogging, because I’m leaving soon for my annual family vacation, and I’m prepping to work on doing something with this. While looking up supplies, I found [this flash-card set] on Amazon that looks like it was just MADE for this project 😀
hail to you Djehuty thrice-great, lord of Khemennu uncreated, who made the world into being as the word of Ptah and will of Atum who witnessed the birth of sun on the top of the hill of the Ogdoad
my heart longs for you your city is in rejoice when you come into it let me praise you at day at night you, master of the divine book who measured the sky and earth let me follow you whereever you go protect me and vindicate against my enemies
make me justified before the tribunal of any god and goddess let them all say, she is without fault so my water and bread will be pure one that comes from your altar let me come to the beautiful west to the abode of pure souls to dwell with ones who love you
you, the well of the desert for those who thirst consolation of sorrows inventor of speech lord of many graces let me know all your holy names written in my heart let me know you and adore you in all your holy forms so I may make the glorifications of the secrets of Thoth