Ancestors Master Post : The Mighty Dead & Beloved Dead


This is a collection of articles and information pertaining to Ancestral work with both The Beloved Dead (ancestors of blood, family, familiar ancestors) & The Mighty Dead (ancestors of spirit, witchcraft). The practices that surround working with the dead, benevolent necromancy, ancestral worship, and altars, and offerings. 

Who’s Who : Ancestors (Greenstag)

Ancestral Practice, Altars & The Mighty Dead (Wildhunt)

Altars to the Beloved & Mighty Dead (Sarahannelawless)

Ancestral Altars & Rituals (Sarahannelawless)

In Search of The Mighty Dead (Pantheos)

Ancestor Altars (AFWcraft)

Honoring the Dead in the Northern Tradition (Northernpaganism)

Dem Bones (Newworldwitchery) 

Dancing with the Ancestors (Walkingthehedge)

What is Necromancy (Greenstag)

For the Ancestors (Northernpaganism)

Related Articles 

Drying & Preparing Graveyard Dirt (Unfetteredwood)

Recipe for New Flesh (Walkingthehedge)

Nature Friendly Offering Stones (Unfetteredwood)

Mullen Candles & Torches (Unfetteredwood) 

Creating an Ancestor Garden (Unfetteredwood)

Plants for the Dying & Deceased (Unfetteredwood)


To Hack the Ether: Maidens of the Matrix
Debuting this August at the Aviary Design Space in Vancouver. Centered in this image–a sigil designed for the proliferation of the ritualistic gesture to be exhibited at the event

Miki Aurora | tumblr | ig


Yggdrasil: The Tree of Life (map of the nine worlds)

In the middle of Asgard, where the gods lives, is Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is the tree of life. It is an eternal green Ash tree; the branches stretches out over all of the nine worlds, and extend up and above the heavens. Yggdrasil is carried by three enormous roots. The first root from Yggdrasil is in Asgard, the home of the gods. By this root is a well named Urd’s well. This is where the gods held daily meetings. The second root from Yggdrasil goes down to Jotunheim, the land of the giants, by this root is Mimir’s well.

Third root from Yggdrasil goes down to Niflheim, close to the well Hvergelmir. It is here the dragon Nidhug gnawed on one of Yggdrasils roots. Nidhug is also known to suck the blood out of the dead bodies. At the very top of Yggdrasil there lives an eagle. And down by the roots of the tree lives a dragon named Nidhug. The eagle and the dragon are bitter enemies. They truly despise each other. A squirrel named Ratatosk, is spending a lot of time each day, running up and down the tree. Ratatosk does whatever he can, to keep the hatred between the eagle and Nidhug alive. Every time Nidhug says a curse or an insult about the eagle, Ratatosk will run up to the top of the tree, and inform the eagle what Nidhug just said. The eagle is equally rude in his comments about Nidhug. Ratatosk just loves to gossip which is the reason why the eagle and the dragon remains constant foes.

Never put your faith in a Prince. When you require a miracle, trust in a Witch.

Catherynne M. Valente, In the Night Garden (The Orphan’s Tales)





Ethereal Visions by Matt Hughes

“An Illuminated Art Nouveau Tarot Deck”
So what does that mean exactly? Well that statement pretty much sums up one of the biggest selling points of this deck. The incredibly beautiful Art Nouveau artwork in this deck is enough to make me swoon on sight, but what really makes this deck unique is that it features gold and silver leafing on every card. EVERY CARD. EVERY DECK. The way the leafing makes the images pop is absolutely stunning. This deck is currently campaigning on Kickstarter and I’m having a hard time believing that it only has 9 days left and is falling so short of it’s goal. You can back this deck here.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE back this deck up <3<3<3

@ean-amhran …why does this remind me of you?