No more free tarot requests for now, I’m still working on the ones from Sunday.
Requests with donation ( are always welcome and will be given priority.
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No more free tarot requests for now, I’m still working on the ones from Sunday.
Requests with donation ( are always welcome and will be given priority.
5,666 followers m/
Six of Cups
Look for someone from your past that you may have not seen
for some time. People do change and maybe they are right for you now. Will it
be marriage? That’s up to you, but there will be good times. Let things
develop. Take your time.
me about commissions here:
Donate: [click here]☆
Feel free to ask any questions you may have!! I’d also love any advice for moving such a long distance, im absolutely terrified haha!
Hey, while I’m at it, let me tell you about someone who does excellent readings. @holy-mountaineering really knows their cards. Hit them up and ask how much if you are looking for an elaborate spread.