Liber MMM – Day 1


Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Waning Gibbous Moon

11:30 AM
Made an Imgob Bumina idol last night to aid in landing a job. Wrote a journal entry per @niaskotl‘s suggestion. Hail Imgob Bumina!

3:00 PM
Sat for a 10 minute meditation utilizing motionlessness and breath control sitting in the Burmese style on a pillow on the floor against my bed with my eyes closed. My legs and feet did not bother me but my back hurt a little during meditation, so it could be worth trying out other postures. Started with a 4-count breathing cycle: four seconds in, four second hold, four seconds out, four second hold. My mind wandered a fair amount while focusing on the counting but maintained fairly stable breathing. I tried not to worry if my breathing faltered a bit and was pretty successful with that. Thought about phosphene gazing, noticing the colors behind my eyelids shifting from red to green to gold and back to green. I also felt a round flower-like shape opening and closing to my breathing. When my timer went off I felt like I could definitely have sat for longer. I also noticed that the light in my room was not changing much so I am wondering if the phosphene gazing could yield some meaning. I was worried that I would swallow a lot during my mediation but I did not at all! My stomach did make some weird noises though.

From Wikipedia: A phosphene is a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye. The word phosphene comes from the Greek words phos (light) and phainein (to show).

11:00 PM
Had sex in front of Imgob Bumina and anointed the idol with my and Nia’s cum. Hail Imgob Bumina!

One of my tribe doing the Great Work! You need to be following @ahcult because shit is about to get real 😉