I just bought a copy of Star.Ships by Gordon White by Scarlet Imprint and had a pleasant surprise. Don’t take this the wrong way, but with the current state of the GBP, now is the time for folks in the US and other places to snap up as many Scarlet Imprint books as you can afford.
Gordon White speaks to Jake Stratton-Kent. Author, researcher, grimoire specialist, raconteur.
Topics of discussion include the state of the world, the benefits of an apocalypse, itinerant magic, the origins of Goetia and the personalities of the grimoirists.
The Sator Table is a Saturnian working focusing on feasting and communing with the spirits and persons that dwell within the land. Sator means “The Sower,” a title for the Roman Saturn. Saturn’s Chthonic self, as Master and world indweller, is the chief attribute through which he reaches out to mortals, teaches sorcery, and “knows” us.
At the center of the Sator Table is a six-pointed “mawkin,” from the etymological root of the Scots word maukin, meaning “hare” or “simpleton.” Usually the five-pointed mawkin is used to represent human presence, so for addressing the indwelling powers, a six-pointed one is preferred. This is because six represents the Unseen, spirits and their amorousness; here represented by the sixth line of the mawkin, symbolizing the phallic, earthy, goat-like, chthonic local powers. In this way, the Venusian six is a friendly invitation to the table. Surrounding this are three sickles, representing Saturn.
The goal of the Sator Table, aside from feeding the earth and local land wights, is that these spirits will visit us in dreams or during visionary states to impart their wisdom and cunning. Each group of entities is distinctive, and has a unique body of knowledge specific to them. We must always seek communion with these powers; to gain their friendship and to understand them and their desires.
I will set up an altar for your reading. I will cleanse
everything with florida water. I light incense to attract the ancestors. The
glass skull you see on the altar is personal link I have with a powerful witch
that has moved beyond the veil. The bottle is filled with dirt from the spot
where she passed.
I will draw the three cards, give you an in-depth analysis
of each card and how they link together.
I may also draw a card from the Portals of Chaos to help you
with what you need.
All this for a small donation of $15 made using the paypal
button at scrollofthoth.com.
Readings can be kept private if you prefer. Just contact me
via Ask with your question.