Month: November 2016
My Piece
This is the first time I’ve been on tumblr more than a
couple of minutes since the election. I am compelled by what the spirits have
told me tonight. That we are about to enter some very fucking interesting times
and the best way to fight the authoritarian wave coming our way is to know how
it got this bad in the first place.
You might want to start with this: It’s on netflix.
Tarot Off
Damn, you kids runin’ old Frater T ragged tonight. Nothin’ but rapid fire questions. Sorry folks, it is minutes until midnight and I am done. Any questions in the box now will have to wait for a later date.
Will I get a job within the next month?

Ask yourself seriously if you really need a job right now.
You may have some other work to do that does not involve gainful employment.
Thanks for doing readings again, they’re always insightful. I’d like to know, should I start making plans to leave where I am now?

Queen of Swords
Make your decision dispassionately. Make a pros and cons
list. When you decide make meticulous plans for all contingencies. You are
ready for the challenge.
is this love as real as it feels?

Ace of Disks
I don’t know, but it won’t hurt you to find out. Run with it
and see where it takes you. In either case I foresee a good future with them.
Im interested in two people and i dont know who to choose or to just not choose either, what would be the best decisión for my growth and mental wellbeing?
And right on schedule, the major arcana show up.

Picture yourself with either one of these people twenty
years from now with their good points and their bad points growing stronger. Then
make your decision.
My significant other is struggling in life right now, and I feel powerless to help in any meaningful way. What can I do to help him through this period in life?
This is when I know the spirits are working. When I keep
pulling the same damn cards.

Six of Disks
Just let them know that you got shit handled. That you know
they might forget or be unable to do some important things but that’s okay. Let
‘em know you don’t mind picking up the slack. Let them know helping them makes
you happy.
Have I just met my soulmate?

Queen of Disks
The pragmatic one. It’s time for you to be pragmatic too.
Soulmate? You don’t just find a soulmate, it’s something you create together.
Shit takes time.