List of acceptable magical practices now includes



Fuck yeah

I would like to state for the record that my views on violence are nuanced. I believe that using arms to overthrow the state is generally a bad idea. It only leads to assholes in power who think they can solve their problems by using guns. If I don’t believe the state should decide if people live or die why would I kill people to take over the state?

However, if you see a racist asshole on the street harassing people, they probably need an ass beating. I’m not saying I’d kill a Nazi. I certainly wouldn’t use a gun to do it. I think a broken knee cap is more effective anyway. That kind of injury will pain them the rest of their lives and maybe they’ll think about it when their knee hurts every time they walk.

And yes, I have and will curse me some Nazis.

Mind you, property has no fucking rights, so go ahead and destroy that shit as needed. You might want to make sure it belongs to the assholes who are the problem not the victims. 

And last, I would not blame someone who does believe in violent revolution. They are comrades and I would happily work together with them where our interests and means coincide.