I would happy to do a three card tarot reading with a
donation of $15. You can find out more about how those work here: http://scrollofthoth.com/tarot-readings/

I do the free one card readings from time to time on tumblr.
They usually happen on the weekdays between 10 PM and Midnight. You will see an
announcement on my feed when I am doing them and they are first come first
serve. Sometimes I go back and answer old questions in my inbox but I can’t guarantee
that I will get to your question for a free reading. I prefer requests for free
one card readings be sent through Ask: http://scrollofthoth.tumblr.com/ask

Army Corps of Engineers denies Dakota Access Pipeline permit


As things stand now, something nearly miraculous has happened: the protesters have won, indigenous people will not be forced at gunpoint to allow a danger to their drinking water that their settler neighbors had rejected, and the pipeline may die. Despite a media blackout and brutal suppression, native people have won an historic and just victory through bravery and humbling perseverance, and that victory has also struck a blow for a world where preventing climate change and preserving our common home takes precedence over enriching the tiny minority of investors in the oil industry.

But it’s far from over. The Army Corps will apparently research alternate routes for the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners could sue to repeal the refusal, the Trump administration could reverse the Corps.

The Army wants the water protectors to clear out, but many are digging in to stay and ensure that the decision sticks. At best, this encampment could be the seed of a new post-Trump resistance that fuses the Occupy movement and movements for justice for indigenous people like Idle No More.


I am telling you this right now folks because the spirits have told me. It will be the indigenous peoples on this plant who will lead the next revolution. That’s because they never stopped listening to the spirits. They’re hardened from decades of genocide and know how to stick it to the man. They will win and we will all be lifted up by it.


Barry William Hale – Pomba Gira Sigil, 2015.

Pomba Gira is the name of an Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil. She is the consort of Exu, who is the messenger of the Orixas in Candomblé. Known by many names, Pomba Gira is often associated with the number seven, crossroads, graveyards, soul possession, and witchcraft.

Should I prepare for the worst?

Prince of Disks

Certainly not. There are good things riding towards you. It
may not be a savior, but it can teach you how to become your own. Also, it’s
okay to have convictions and want to help people, but make sure you get paid.

I am not currently accepting new, free, on-card tarot
readings. I’m just cleaning out my inbox. I will, however, happily stop what I’m
doing and perform a three care reading for a small donation. See more about that
service here