I made a special banner for this ritual, that I will continue to use for future CHAEQAI rituals along with other OV23 related workings.
I began the ritual in the dark with a two fold banishing ritual, my usual one, a modification of the LBRP, and a new one that came to me quite spontaneously, drawn, I believe, from my past experience in martial arts. It was a more fluid and organic banishing/invoking ritual, and quite mentally engaging for me. As a side note, I’ll likely be utilizing it more often now. After this, I lit each candle, whispering “Hail the enigma, open the way” as I did. I then did the same with the incense.
Began focusing on the Aerial cross, whispering “Hail the enigma, open the way” as a mantra until it lost meaning.This was followed by four step breathing, and then transitioned into Breath of Fire. As a state of gnosis began to come over me I changed posture, drawing both arms upwards and visualized connecting myself into the 23rd current. I then let both arms fall to my side and closed my eyes, following the image of the Aerial cross and visualizing myself descending into a purple miasma and entangling with the nexus.
I proceeded to open my eyes and refocus on the Aerial cross, and at this time the purple candle on my altar began to spit and crackle. I then picked up the chalice, which was filled with absinthe, and drank deeply from it. As I then reopened my eyes, an image in blue, with a brilliant circle of white/purple/gold light appeared in front of me. I focused on this image until it faded. I then did one more chant of “Hail the enigma, open the way,” changed posture, and performed another two fold banishing ritual.