Do you need some guidance or advice on something in your life? I charge $10 for a three card reading. Also, I offer a deal for one three card tarot reading a month for a year for $100.
For every reading I set up an altar properly banished and blessed.
Working with spirits well known to me, I pull three cards and divine their personal meaning for you. You can ask a specific question, or just ask for a general reading.
At the end, I pull a Portals of Chaos card to find an entity that can help you with any tasks or obstacles described by the cards.
I’ve been receiving monthly tarot readings from James L. Wilber for the last year, and it’s been a amazing year. James’s readings are most definitely worth it.
James’s three card reading gives you a past-present-future insight on the month in question, which is very useful for monthly planning or for navigating your way effectively through a busy and/or crazy month.
If you are looking for regular divination to aid you in your endeavours and to maximize your potential, then James L. Wilber is your man.
This reading was concise, accurate and helpful. Much helpful and relevant information and many clues were condensed into a punchy and powerful reading. I will definitely revisit this reading again over the next few weeks. Many thanks!