


Source: @dovewithscales

Alright folks, ready for a particularly good one?

This is downright the absolute worst advice I have ever seen regarding goetic demons. There’s a reason, and a good one, that the instructions in the Lemegeton are so extensive and list all kinds of ways to both protect yourself and to cover your ass. The goetic demons have basically a couple thousand years of history tricking people, misbehaving, convincing idiots to worship them, and most importantly, instilling crazy obsessions in your brain. There’s a reason for the commands, the curses, the very specific circle that should absolutely not be messed with, and the manner of evoking.  If you don’t listen to all that, you tend to end up like the poor sap who wrote this.

There’s absolutely no reason to worship an entity that you have the power to compel and make a contract with, absolutely none. These demons are essentially the equivalent of metaphysical scammers, and they will totally take as much possible advantage of you as they can. Please, if you do any sort of goetic evocation or grimoire trad, follow the book as closely as you can. It’s for your own protection.

Or I mean if you want to spend the rest of your life thinking you’re a fucking dragon, that works too I suppose.

– Mod S

Oh boy

turns out dragon LARPers don’t give very reliable magick advice

I ain’t sayin’ you have to do it by the book. But if you’re not taking precautions and developing a system of magical self defense, you’re gonna learn the hard way.

On my fortieth birthday, rather than merely bore my friends by having anything as mundane as a midlife crisis I decided it might be more interesting to actually terrify them by going completely mad and declaring myself to be a magician.

Alan Moore


Busting bubbles

Ghandi was a racist.

The Dalai Lama owned slaves.

Winston Churchill was just as racist as the Nazis.

The United States has bombed, executed and done ghastly experiments on its own people.

Fuck your propaganda.

I normally don’t do this on tumblr. I am a 47-year-old white male, and I am often told my opinions don’t matter. And there’s some truth to that. But today is my birthday, so I’m going for it. Because everyone’s opinion matters. That’s what fucking democracy is.

“Gandhi was a racist.” (You could have at least spelled his fucking name right)

Way to go. Bravo. Gandhi, for a time in his life, was indeed a fucking racist. He recanted a lot of that shit later in life, but sure, let’s get him. He was only the guy who showed us the way forward. The ONLY way forward. When the state has a monopoly on power it is the ONLY way forward. You really fucking believe you will beat the state at it’s own game, you’re going to learn the hard way. When your true goal is a society that values peace, it is the ONLY way forward. Because fucking assholes with guns will always be assholes with guns. I do not want a new set of assholes with guns to take over. No matter how socialist you are. No matter how egalitarian you are, if you create a revolution by force, you will create a government that rules by force.

Non-violent resistance is the ONLY way forward. If you kill me, all you have is my dead body. If I kill you, you take a piece of my soul. I will never give you that.

That is his legacy. That is his gift to the world. And you little pricks need to start reading his message. Really understanding his message.

Yes, Gandhi was a racist. I ask no one to hide that fact. If you want to write a history book and include all of Gandhi’s faults, you should. Do it. Because in your research you will learn his message eclipses all of that.

To simply go out and shout, Gandhi was a racist, isn’t waking people up. It’s an agenda. It’s a shitty agenda. It’s propaganda.

Fuck your propaganda. 


Isis, the Egyptian goddess of Magic, is considered by many to be the absolute ultimate in goddesses, and she is referred to as “The Mother of All Goddesses”. 

Contemporary Art by Deborah Bell (Australian, b.1959)