I’m not the original Anon, but I would like to ask, what led you too the Witch Mother? How did you first find out about Her? Also, as theistic Satanist, do you see Her as a form of Satan, or as different entities?
What wonderful questions! Thank you for taking the time to ask them. I have always felt a connection to the Divine Feminine, but never had the right words to express what was resonating with me. I never felt a connection to a “white light” goddess with a gentle touch and a penchant for perpetual fertility. When I began to investigate Gnosticism, paired with my background in Traditional Witchcraft, it all fell into place for me. I finally had a name for the vibrant, chaotic energy I felt knocking about in my chest: Witch Mother. Once I knocked on that door, She made Her presence known as Babylon the Great and welcomed me with open arms. I have always been an outcast, a sinner who’s heart was reserved for the damned and downtrodden. The Mother of Abominations, Babylon, is forever a Mother to me. The concept of the Dark Mother draws heavily from Gnosticism and is a big factor on my cosmogony.
I see Her as separate from Satan, but with similar goals in mind. Self sufficiency, breaking that which binds you, strength, ecstatic indulgence… They both seek to help me push past the barriers that would slow me and achieve greatness. While the Devil is the flames that lick my feet and urge me to keep running towards success, the Witch Mother is heady red wine that spills from the cup of abundance leaving me feeling drunk and victorious.
I do hope those were sufficient answers. I adore talking about the Witch Mother in all Her forms.