What an intriguing question, friend. I hesitate to speak on Her behalf, but I feel as though She could be described as Chaotic Neutral. Not that She is incapable of good, in fact many charitable causes and actions I engage in I do for Her sake. Women’s rights, shelters for the battered, prison reform, causes involving children… She is a Mother to the hopeless, and acting charitably towards them is a lovely way to honor Her. But I digress! I think that as many “good” aspects as there are of Her, there are just as many “bad”. She can be cruel, show favouratism, and allow you to fail and suffer purposefully. She is a complex being and I think Her followers know She is capable of giving and taking. She is fond of tough love and forcing people to rise from their own ashes. It has always seemed as though She cares for Her own and regards the rest with bemused disinterest.
On her left hip she carries a sword. And the name of that sword is Love.