How does one begin working with the witch god?


Go the wild places, the graveyards, the forests, the fields by night, and call out to Him. Call Him by Devil, Master, Old Goat. Call Him Pan, Janus, Herne, Azazel. 

Be watchful, for He takes many forms. He is the Master Turncoat, the Great Mercurial Spirit. He may come as a crow, or as a toad, or perhaps a big black dog. Perhaps he appears as a Man dressed all in black, or a beautiful maiden trying to lure you away. Or perhaps as a terrifying, horned, grotesque beast. 

Are you frightened? Good, for He is guardian of the Way. 

Then see what He represents. Look how freely He dances, with His merry pipes in hand. How proud and beautiful He is, and how glorious is the thunder that rumbles beneath His fleet cloven hooves. He is complete unto Himself, and only wishes for us to do the same. 

Look to yourself. Get in touch with your body, and with your spirits. And I don’t mean the spirits outside of yourself, I mean the spirits of your own person. Your own personal daimon. Bring your soul up to His level. 

If you look through my blog, you’ll see posts about Self Adoration, and being proud, and standing tall and beautiful. These are the teachings of the Witchfather, who at the beginning of time, looked upon the Mirror of Eternity, and delighted in His own beauty that He found therein, to the dismay of the False One. 

Giving your soul to Him will change it forever. Remember that.