Sex workers are human beings…. from cam models to strippers to porn stars. It may not be your cup o’ tea (mmm, tea), but it doesn’t give you the right to disrespect or shame them.
Wouldn’t it be nice to earn a living doing something you love? I’d work graveyard shift at the Glory Hole. lol.
Author: James
House of Leo.
Michelle Angelo ● The Playboy Horoscope (April 1968)
Ave Babalon
Yes this is worth your hard drive space. If you haven’t seen this yet, you will not be disappointed.
Reposting Potion Formulea by request
Potion Formulea
I wanted a way to increase my energy and focus my mind to do more writing and have more energy to study magick. I enjoy 5-Hour Energy shots, and used them for this purpose. I noticed how much they resembled potions used by fictional magicians and those found in hearth magick. I decided to make my own, adding a magical component to increase their efficiency.
Thoughts of a sexual nature leave me energized and focused. Plus, sex magick being one of the easier ways to build magical energies and awareness (gnosis), I knew making the potion with a sexual aspect would be the easiest path.
In creating my recipe I followed the first rule of chaos magick, that in any act of will one should exhaust all ordinary means of producing an effect before turning to magic to enhance or guarantee success. The potion contains ingredients found in most energy shots, with some thematic exceptions. I added items that enhanced the sexual nature of the elixir, substances known for their ability to arouse or increase sexual performance. I included two items for flavor, and one to maintain the solubility of the solid ingredients, which also had the side benefit of being an aphrodisiac and a magical correspondence.
All ingredients can be purchased via I prefer using ingredients in a liquid form to maintain solubility. All ingredients come as liquids unless otherwise noted.
Caffeine, powdered, 300 mg
Taurine, powdered, 1.5 g
Glucuronolactone, powdered 1g
Water 1 oz
B12 complex 3 drops
Ginko Biloba 1 ml
Ginseng 1 ml
Horny Goat Weed 1 ml
Yohimbe 1 ml
Cinnamon Stevia 10 drops
Cinnamon Extract 3 drops
Rum 1 ozAdd caffeine, taurine, and Glucuronolactone to 1 oz water, heat to boiling 20 seconds in microwave to dissolve. Add all liquid ingredients, rum last. When making more than one at a time I have found it useful to boil a kettle of water for this purpose.
Notes on Ingredients:
Caffeine: The number one psychoactive stimulant in the world needs no introduction. In comparison, a 20 oz, artisan-roasted coffee contains 300 mg. Before you go and think you’re a caffeine monster, and you can take it, most people enjoy that cup of coffee over several hours. This comes all at once in a 2.5 oz shot. I do not recommend going over 300 mg. Also, you will need a scale capable of measuring in mg. Do not think you can eyeball this. Amazon sells jeweler’s scales much cheaper than a trip to the hospital. Taking over 2 grams of caffeine at one time will result in hospitalization and liver damage. Higher doses cause death.
Taurine: First discovered in bulls, hence Taurus, taurine may or may not increase brain function when combined with caffeine. It helps convert amino acids to usable enzymes. It may also have many additional physiological benefits. The kidneys simply excrete excess taurine in the body.
Glucuronolactone: Studies show glucuronolactone increases cognitive speed. It also helps with maintaining joints and ligaments.
Water: The universal solvent.
B12 complex: B vitamins increase brain function and are essential in metabolizing certain enzymes the body needs to produce energy. In high doses may also prevent Alzheimer’s.
Ginko Blioba: Another chemical for enhancing brain function. Proven to enhance memory.
Ginseng: Appears to block enzymes produced by stress, thus relieving fatigue.
Horny Goat Weed: Numerous studies of goats consuming the weed noted increased sexual activity. Recent studies also find it works like Viagra, relaxing tissues directly and stimulating blood flow to the extremities.
Yohimbe: Another blood-flow enhancer, used traditionally in Africa.
Rum: Alcohol helps keep the solid ingredients dissolved in the liquid base. I picked rum as the traditional drink of the Loa, specifically the Ghede Loa, a group of randy and energetic deities who I call upon to raise spirits and have a good time.
Besides the correspondences in the material components, the potions contain a ritual component as well.
Since I lack the ability to draw myself, I rely upon found images. Google does the trick. For the potion label I used the search term, “Great Rite.” I choose this particular image for size and simplicity.
When I found the image I printed a copy and posted it above my bed. I used it as a focus point during intercourse, remaining fixed on the image at time of climax.
When the potions are made I create a sacred space and after each potion is complete I place them on the original copy of the image I used raise gnosis, before affixing a copy of the image to each bottle.