Drugs – Blue Lotus


You knew this post was coming, right? Let’s get some points
of order out of the way. First, yes, you can do magick without drugs. Why you
would want to remains a mystery to me. Drugs are not a “short-cut.” The use of entheogens
by spiritual practitioners goes all the way back through pre-history. I think
it’s pretty inconvertible to say that drugs have been a part of most religions.
All the way from the wine you drink at a Catholic mass to ayahuasca. If you
want to argue that all of those magi were wrong, take it somewhere else.

Point of order number two: The creator of this blog does not condone the use of illegal drugs.
Please follow all local laws when imbibing substances. Those using substances
should be of sound mind and body. When in doubt, consult a physician. I highly recommend
doing as much research as possible before taking any substance. Please see: Multidisciplinary
Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) http://www.maps.org/.

With that out of the way, I’m actually going to talk about a
drug that is legal in all fifty U.S. states – blue lotus.

The Egyptians obsessed over blue lotus, also known as the
blue water lily, aka nymphaea caerulea, which grew along the banks of the Nile.
The blue lotus is perhaps the most common motif in Egyptian art, appearing
throughout all phases of Ancient Egyptian culture. While the lotus has multiple
symbolic meanings in Egyptian culture, and remains a powerful symbol in many
traditions, especially Hindu (albeit a different strain), the obsession with
the lotus probably has a lot to do with its psychedelic properties. Records of
Egyptians drinking lotus steeped in wine, eating lotus, and smoking lotus are

The active ingredient in blue lotus is aporphine, a
substance not yet well researched or understood. Numerous psychonauts report that
blue lotus has effects similar to MDMA – with the user experiencing heightened
emotions, particularly feelings of connection to others, and a warm-fuzzy
feeling. Unlike MDMA, lotus is not an amphetamine. In fact, it acts as a
sedative, and has been useful for some in eliciting lucid dream states.

I tried blue lotus a few times a couple of years ago, making
a tea of lotus stamens with about 5g per cup of tea, steeped for about ten
minutes. I can attest to the similarities with reports of MDMA use, although
those effects were extremely mild. Overall, a great way to relax.

I’m gonna go a little deeper this time, having just
purchased 28g of dried lotus stamen from my favorite source for legal herbal psychoactives,
Bouncing Bear Botanicals. Full disclosure, yes, that’s an affiliate link and if
you purchase using it I get a discount on future orders. Any instructions to be
found on using blue lotus are all over the place. Everyone seems to have a slightly
different opinion. Some believe the flowers are best, some the stamens. Some
used prepared tinctures, others fresh. I’m using the stamens again because it
makes sense to me that the stamen would have the highest concentration of the
plant’s chemical byproducts, but I can be totally wrong. All I know is it
worked last time. I may try using the dried flowers in the future.

My intentions for my mere 28g are as follows:

Use 20g to make a lotus wine. I’m doing this by merely
pouring off some of bottle of sweet riesling and adding the dried stamens. I really
looked for an Egyptian wine to use, but it being an Islamic culture now,
exported Egyptian wine is a difficult find. The choice was made simply to
offset some of the bitter aspects of the lotus. I’m going to let that steep in
the fridge for two weeks, try some, and then let it steep for two more weeks
before removing all of the dried plant material. I also intend to eat a pinch
of the used plant material when I drink the wine to try and heighten the

I’ll use 5g to make another cup of tea. To honor my gods and
ancestors and help cover the taste, I will brew it with an herbal tea imported
from Poland, made of apples and rosehips. I’ll let the lotus steep for fifteen
minutes, and this time will also eat a pinch of the used lotus to strengthen
the effect. Keep in mind, IMHO the taste of the blue lotus ain’t that bad, but
it’s not that great either. I’ve had worse.

The last three grams I will mix with my regular smoking
herb, and give that a try.

So expect some trip reports in the near future, and probably
some more history on the blue lotus.


Tonight I Honor Hekate Enodia

Hymn to Hekate Enodia

Each step in the darkness

Is guided by the light

(Breathing in and breathing out in a whisper)

Enodia …

Who has custody of my fears

Since the end of the trail

I feel Her presence

In the howling dog

(Breathing in and breathing out in a whisper)

Enodia …

At each turn of wind

The wings of the night

(Out loud and clear outstretched arms)

Hekate Enodia Salve!

Immense and infinite

At every turn of fate

Guide us and protect us.

Enodia, you have always walked with me

The path mapped out before my birth.

Enodia, it was your voice that spoke to me

Even when I could not hear your words.

You who watched & smiled as I stumbled.

Lady you gave me choices I did not know I had.

Did they all lead to the same destination?

Blessed was the day when I awakened

And followed my path with feet so sure.

The bewildering paths twisted & turned.

I walked the high and the low in fear and joy.

You have always walked with me

Before I knew you were my guide.

Enodia of the ways I thank you

Lady who walks in all directions

Your light shines at night

Guide to all those who have already been lost, Enodia she’ll be there

Queen of those who walk alone

Your torch brings hope of new beginnings and the sure,

In the darkest night, Enodia she’ll be there

Those who know your name overcome fear and death

With truth and bravery we cross all the paths of life

We jump into the unknown, Enodia she’ll be there

With this hymn we praise Her name

We sing the night, fear and courage, Death and Life

Always deep in our hearts, Enodia she’ll be there

In life my path is not so straight, but with your silent attendance I walk on.

Enodia you guide my feet this way, this path, this day.

Where will you take me Dear Enodia? Up and down, through river and stream,                      Through life’s great circle, where all paths lead?

Year in year out you guide my way, sometimes easy, many a time hard.

But I have such faith in you Enodia, you light my way with touch held high.

You whisper guidance in my ears, you help me confront all my fears.

If I stray from lifes big map, you stay with me and guide me back.

Since I have started my path with you, my eyes are open my mind is free.

I so gladly follow you, wherever that may lead, safe in the knowledge you are with me.

In all ways and always I will honour thee.

Hail Enodia!

I walk

Darkness and Light

All paths are known to You.

Excuses left by the wayside

I walk

Hesitant steps

Eyes keen for signs of You.

The inexplicable detours

I walk

Blindly groping,

Sabotaging myself.

At times I prove a wilful child.

I walk

Darkness and Light

You greet me patiently

On roads known by you Enodia,

I walk.

“All My Ancestors Suck”


The number one complaint I hear from people when I tell them
to work with their ancestors is that their family is just awful. That they can
never work with their ancestors for X Y Z reasons. I would never belittle
someone’s trauma. I am certain there are a lot of people out there whose
feelings on this are legitimate. I would never tell someone to work with an
ancestor that abused them, or with ancestors that have proven beyond a shadow
of a doubt that they were fucking assholes. I would ask, that if your ancestors
don’t fit in that category you consider a couple of things. And, I have some

One, work on forgiveness. Forgiveness is as much of a
blessing for you as it is for them. I’m not going to sit here and outline all
the benefits of forgiveness, because it’s something you have to come to on your
own or it doesn’t really work. Just think about it. Maybe take a couple of days
to meditate on the concept of forgiveness.

Two, you may think that all your ancestors were hard-core Pentecostal/Jewish/Muslim/Catholic/etc.,
and they would NEVER understand what you practice. That may be true. Some
spirits hold onto that shit tight. Most learn it’s an anchor for them in the
afterlife. Most spirits of the dead realize almost immediately after they cross
over that the cosmos contains so much more than they ever dreamed of. They know
that us humans have an extremely limited perspective on the nature of reality.
That includes you and I as magi my friends. The only way you will know if any
given spirit is open to your current beliefs is to talk to them. So give it a
try and find out.

But if you really just can’t, you still have options. You
can flat-out adopt some ancestors. Looking to people within your own culture
would be a good start. We all come from Africa. We all come from the same
source. We are all siblings on this little mud-ball we call Earth. If you pick
someone with the same ethnicity, chances are you are related in some way. Do
some genealogy if you really want to know. Certainly you can at least come up
with a picture or something to symbolize what they were known for to have on
your ancestor altar.

You can also have magical ancestors. Not just ones from your
own particular magical tribe. I have talked with the spirits of Jack Parsons and
Hunter S. Thompson. I consider them ancestors of my craft.

If none of that seems right to you, you could go looking for
your ancestors astrally. A couple of years ago at the Babalon Rising Festival,
I led a guided meditation that had people meet their most distant ancestors and
learn about them. I’m proud to say that a version of that guided meditation has
made the rounds in several magical groups. You absolutely can go back as far as
you want. If you want a magical ancestor, why not use magick to find them? If I
get some requests, I would be happy to make an audio recording of that guided
meditation and post it here.

So if you want to work with ancestors you have no excuses.
It may be more work for you, but nothing good comes easy.  


“A study of prostitutes investigated by the Inquisition in Modena reveals that although magical orations and charms were learned orally and, as one said, were kept ‘always in her heart’, those who could read were thought to be the most skilled in the art of love magic. Written copies accrued more potency than those held in oral memory, while those recorded in books were more efficacious than charms written on loose sheets. In 1600 a noted female love magician was described as reading from a big book with ‘a black cover, which is full of incantations and secrets’. One prostitute said the prayer she had written on a piece of paper was less effective than another possessed by a courtesan who obtained hers from ‘a book in which there are lots of these things’. 156 At the top of this hierarchy of texts was print, and the Modena tribunal heard several cases of prostitute love magicians requesting printers to produce versions of the prayers they knew. This may have been in part to render their power more potent, but the sale of such mass-produced prayers also proved an excellent money-spinner.”

Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, Owen Davies

I love this for so many reasons. I am assuming that random 156 stuck in there is an artifact of a cut-and-paste and is referencing a source. That my friends is what you call a synchronicity, which for me have always been a sign of good things. 


we are very happy to announce to you that the new edition of the EGYPTIAN RELIGIOUS CALENDAR for the next year 2019 is almost completed and it will be available in the next few days!!
Here’s a preview of the front cover:
the Northern Circumpolar Constellations (the imperishable stars that never rest), from the ceiling of the “House of Gold wherein one rests” (the burial chamber) of the “House of Eternity” of King Sethi I, Valley of the Kings (KV17), west ‘Uaset’-Thebes.
Photo by Manna Nader, Gabana Studios, Cairo.

By subscribing to “Amente Nofre-membership community” you will get a complete access to the daily posts of the Ancient Egyptian Religious Calendar, together with many many other things, here’s the link with all the infos:

My Other Ancestors


I am gonna belabor the point. I don’t want to put this in
absolute terms, but you should, if at all possible, be working with a group of
magi. In my experience, there is little else that will improve your practice as
much as learning from your peers.

Don’t tell me you can’t find other people who are interested
in magick. You have the internet. I assume most of you have friends, and you’ll
be surprised how easy it is to get them into it. Don’t tell me you don’t have
the time. Make it a priority. Don’t tell me you are too surly, introverted,
weird, or just anti-social. You’re a godsdamn magician! You can do anything.

There are a few rare exceptions. People in extreme poverty,
people living under tyranny (that can be social tyranny, like abusive SOs and
family), and people with disabilities. Don’t get me started on magical groups
who don’t provide for people with disabilities, that’s another topic. But if
you don’t fit in one of those categories, find the others! Get your ass in a
car or on a bus and do magick with others.

I drive from Indianapolis to Kansas City twice per year
(2,000 miles). Indianapolis to Rockford, IL, at least three times per year
(1,800 miles). Indianapolis to Bedford, IN once per year (200 miles).
Indianapolis to Cincinnati (200 miles). That’s over 4,000 miles a year, with my
old ass crashing on air mattresses and eating Cliff Bars to make it work. Some
of it involves camping, and I hate fucking camping. But it’s worth it for those
precious days where I can do magick with the people I love.

It will be work. There will be drama. There will be people
you don’t like. There will be logistical nightmares. I know you are thinking
right now that there is no way you can do it. Try it. Just once. Go to a pagan
festival that has rituals. Throw a party for your friends where each of you
bring a ritual to perform. Once you do, you will thank me.

What does this have to do with ancestors? Not to be a
bummer, but if you are a part of a magical tribe long enough, one of those
people are gonna die.

Keep reading