Do you believe Babylon the Great is a force of good in the world, sort of like a Chaotic good?


What an intriguing question, friend. I hesitate to speak on Her behalf, but I feel as though She could be described as Chaotic Neutral. Not that She is incapable of good, in fact many charitable causes and actions I engage in I do for Her sake. Women’s rights, shelters for the battered, prison reform, causes involving children… She is a Mother to the hopeless, and acting charitably towards them is a lovely way to honor Her. But I digress! I think that as many “good” aspects as there are of Her, there are just as many “bad”. She can be cruel, show favouratism, and allow you to fail and suffer purposefully. She is a complex being and I think Her followers know She is capable of giving and taking. She is fond of tough love and forcing people to rise from their own ashes. It has always seemed as though She cares for Her own and regards the rest with bemused disinterest.

On her left hip she carries a sword. And the name of that sword is Love.

The Shaman is more than the healer and the specialist in technics of ecstasy: he is also the friend and master of wild animals: he imitates their cries; he transforms himself into an animal; he is, moreover, bard, poet and civiliser.

Mircea Eliade

(via entheognosis)

Against a scholarly tradition that has not chosen to see this passage [from
Hrafns saga Sveinbjarnarsonar] in this way, I find the sinister, diabolical creatures who appear in the first two dreams– dark, large, and bloodthirsty– difficult to disassociate from Christianity’s interpretation of Óðinn, a cross between the old pre-Christian god and the satanic figure of medieval Catholicism. Frequently referred to in the noun phrase ‘the devil Óðinn’ (e.g.,
dyeffuolen Oden), the figure is neither wholly Christian nor wholly pagan by the close of the Middle Ages. In one post-Reformation Swedish source, for example, Óðinn has retained many of his heathen characteristics, but in a manner also consistent with his increasing identification with the devil of Christianity, he is everywhere associated with the color black: he visits humans accompanied by big black dogs and servants on black horses, riding in a coach drawn by black horses, all with eyes that burned like fire.