I feel compelled to follow up on some previous posts about my first Nine Inch Nails live experience after being a huge fan for twenty-five years. Yes, it was fucking AMAZING!
I saw them at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Affectionately called the Aragon Brawlroom by the locals. In truth it is a beautiful old theater, that just happens to be standing room only. Which was fine as everyone was chill. No pushing or anything that night.
I openly admit I was tripping balls. Which was perfect. As you see from the picture above, the Aragon has this massive mural on the ceiling of a sea of stars and nebulae with some kind of tentacled-shadow Cthulhu monster. When the lights from the incredible fucking light show hit that ceiling in certain ways it was transcendent. I knew every song. I danced my old fat ass off.

I only made it to the back end of the soundguy area, but still had a great view. Trent said he was doing a minimal light show for this tour. If that was minimal, I have to see him with an even bigger kit. Damn. The most interesting one was the lighting for “Copy of A.” On a screen behind, they project a shadow image of the band that moves about in a shifting pattern. I tried to just watch the show, and only took a couple of pictures. Of course, most were crap, but I did capture this short video clip that’s not too bad.
Without a doubt, the best show I have seen in my life. I feel so blessed for having experienced it.