Last night, I began by creating a template to practice drawing my new pentacle. I figured I’d draw it out a few times on paper until I was happy with the design before transferring to the pentacle. Upon completing my first rough draft I decided to go with the elemental symbols used on the Portals of Chaos cards instead of the traditional alchemical symbols.
Then I meditated on the nature of Earth with the Earth card on my altar as a focus. My thoughts were scattered but I did resolve to try and be mindful of my connection to the Earth the next day.
So today I did my best, but exhaustion kept me from being mindful. I’d catch myself moving into dream states while I sat in class. I remember one in particular where all of my classmates had their legs wrapped in white cords.
I do find it interesting that whenever I make new discovery about my magick, all of a sudden, I start finding source material to guide my way. Case in point, to prepare for having Taylor Ellwood record a Scroll of Thoth podcast, I listened to his interview on Occult of Personality where he discusses Magical Identity. During the interview I learned that he came to the same conclusion about magick a few years ago, that it is best to be a magician rather than just do magick.
Tonight, as I entered my temple I had a revelation. That my center, my “Earth,” is my temple. There have been too many times in the past where I have allowed my temple to be “decommissioned” because we needed the space, and then spend weeks or months unused until I got off my ass and cleaned it up. No more! I will never again leave my temple dismantled. Even if I find I must take it down for a day, it gets put up the very next.
After that, I made a 2nd draft of my pentacle. Now, after I write this, I will meditate on the Earth card again and get some sleep.