Actually the summoning went well. I just find it hysterical someone else took the time to make this.

I know that I made contact with something, whether or not it understood me is the question. May be silly to think an alien entity could comprehend a person in such a short amount of time. I will be contacting Orias again soon.



Yggdrasil the world tree is rooted deeply in Norse mythology. This gigantic ash tree reaches the nine worlds with its branches, and in addition to being where the gods hold their daily court, Yggdrasil is home to several other mythological creatures. Nidhogg the great dragon dwells below gnawing on the roots of Yggdrasil, while Ratatoskr the messenger squirrel runs up and down its trunk, and up in the highest branches there is an unnamed eagle with the hawk Vedrfolnir sitting on his head.

One of the most well known tales about Yggdrasil features the all father Odin hanging himself upon the world tree as a sacrifice unto himself. Wounded by his own spear and without food or drink for nine days Odin was bound to the tree. He endured this suffering for the sake of gaining great wisdom, until finally the runes and their magic were revealed to him.




Creature of dreams, nightmares, stars, will you come to me when I wake?

You chase me in the night, but you play against fair rules. In the world of nightmares, you can create everything. I can not avoid your traps, because they are set to expect me. No matter how I run, you are faster than me. I wish to fly, but your chains hold me. How can I fight you in fair ways, if you know every move I will make?

So come to me in the day, stand before me and show me your face. You will use your weapons, and I will use mine. And we will see who is truly the strong one: for we are both made of stars.