Not only do we provide #ritual and #magickal tools, we are now offering #occult #services! Beginning today, we will now be providing #tarot readings from Frater Yaramarud!
Having offered this service in person for many years, he’s decided to reach out to those beyond this personal sphere by providing his most asked for reading.
With each spread, you will not only be given Fr. Yara’s personal interpretation, it also comes with the traditional meaning of each draw along with a photo of the resulting cards.
As the year winds down, why not see what 2019 has in store with your own 3-card Chaos Reading? No matter what’s drawn, you can be sure that we’ll be doing our best to provide you with all of your occult and ritual needs!
roop_DSC_0069.JPG by Peter Roopnarine, who writes: “Thoth, Book of the Dead. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.”
This is one of the coffins of
Kharushere, dating to the Twenty-Second Dynasty.
InSight Lander’s first picture from Mars. Critical to the mission were RL10C-1 & MR-107N engines from Aerojet Rocketdyne – founded in 1942 by thelemite John W. Parsons #ThanksJack #BabalonOnMars Jack and Glory Forever to BABALON.
Egyptian Religious Calendar
Today 26 November 2018 – XX day of Hathor, the third month of the Egyptian Lunar Calendar (in the CDXIX Great Year of Ra according to the Egyptian Civil Calendar).
(quotes from
“Egyptian Religious Calendar: CDXVIII-CDXIX Great Year of Ra (2018CE)”. The new edition of the Egyptian Religious Calendar for the next year 2019 is available on amazon:
On “Amente Nofre-membership community” you can find the daily posts with the full calendar: )
Religious Prescriptions:
Adverse dayReligious Festivities:
The XX day of the lunar month is sacred to Horus in the Great Palace. It is the “Feast of Choice” and Upuaut is the God of the Feast.– “Mysteries of Osiris at Abydos (thirteen-day festivity, XI day).”
[Ramses II, Abydos]– Feast of Sokar, day VIII, Drawing-forth the ‘Ben-ben’ (…).
[T. Ramses III]– “Feast of the Offerings on the Altar (…).”
[T. Behdet, c. Hathor]– “Feast of the resting in ‘Djebu’,
Appearing daily.” (five-day festivity, III day)
[T. Ombos, west side]– Mysteries of Osiris at Philae and Abaton (nineteen-day festivity, XVII day).
[cfr. Fêtes d’Égypte, Françoise Perpillou-Thomas]image:
Temple of the Goddess Isis at Philae (now on the Agilkia island):
the inner face of the Entrance-Gate of the First Pylon, view from the Open Court; beyond the Entrance-Gate, the Forecourt and the Western Colonnade
Typographic map of Lake Michigan made on an actual typewriter by @pinakographos.
Thank you tumblr and @elfboi for this beautiful synchronicity.
Spooky Horoscopes | Camille Chew
Aries • Taurus • Gemini • Cancer • Leo • Virgo
For Society6′s October horoscopes. Prints available in my S6 shop.