
Thoth, Ibis-headed god of the Moon, patron of scribes and magicians, secretary of the gods. Limestone relief. Old Kingdom, 5th-6th Dynasty, 3rd millennium BC. Now in the Vatican Museums.

Praise Thoth! He who creates the word, and speaks the word, and is the word. All tremble before Thoth, Herald of Ra.


Ancient Egyptian amulet (gold with lapis lazuli, turquoise, and steatite inlays) depicting the ba (one of the parts of the soul in Egyptian thought, typically imagined as a bird with a human head).  Artist unknown; Ptolemaic period (332-30 BCE).  Now in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.  Photo credit: LACMA.

My amazing wife, gave me an anniversary present today. One rose for every year we have been married. That’s twenty-six roses. I have loved every one of those years.


Two sides of the Moon

Drew this after I discovered that Thoth wasn’t just the God of Knowledge and the divine scribe, but also the pharaoh’s personal body guard and assassin, even.

That’s just so cool.

No, I am not a believer, but I am very interested in the mythology.

Also, the second most powerful god after Ra. When other gods needed to get smacked down, Ra sends Thoth. Just his presence was usually enough to make other gods calm their shit. Even Horus and Set.

Praise Djhuety! The peacemaker who also carries a big stick.


Robert Johnson and His Deal with the Devil

Robert Johnson, or at least the mythical version of him, is pervasive in American pop culture. He is considered a “Faustian” character, which essentially means the story surrounding him involves making a deal with

Mephistopheles (a demon) or


himself. Deals like these typically were said to take place at crossroads, often seen as a metaphorical or actual liminal space, a place where change happens.

The legend goes that Johnson fell distraught after his first wife died in childbirth and he turned to his love of music to cope but he was horrible at the guitar with an unpleasant voice. Johnson was said to have disappeared for a length of time and then returned with great musical skill and a wonderful, mournful singing voice. At a crossroads, marked with the three guitar statue (above), Johnson supposedly met a man who gave him these abilities–in return for his soul. People point to some of his songs like “Cross Road Blues” and “Hell Hound on My Trail” as evidence that he had made the deal with the devil and the hellhounds were there to collect.

Johnson only recorded three records and died at the age of 27 in 1938 due to “mysterious” stomach pains. Of course, the legend would have us believe that the Devil had come to collect his dues. Most people, however, believe that he was poisoned (one way or another) due to flirting with or having an affair with a married woman. Either way, he died very young after putting out only a little bit of music and had only a couple of photos ever taken of him. He’s a figure shrouded in mystery due to how little is known about him but he lives on in our collective imagination, still recognized as the King of the Delta Blues.
