The Fifth Element, The Void, The All, The Quintessence, The Chaos; Gnosis is the fuel by which all spells are fueled, by which all magic is manifest, by which real change in your environment occurs. Gnosis is everywhere all you need to do is grab it! I could go on and on about metaphorical…
(This article is far from complete. I will change the contents from time to time at my whims. Unlike my lessons on sigils and servitors, there is no “how to” in this lesson; Mostly commentary that gives way to theory crafting. You will see very quickly that Egregores are mostly formed out…
Since the days of the wife-swapping craziness that may have soured the relationship of that dynamic duo of Edward Kelly and John Dee, the goddess Babalon has been with us. Recast as the Divine Harl…