An Introduction to Activist Magick

What if it were true?

What if, in the time before, when the darkness could only be fought with guttering flame, those with free spirits congregated and cavorted on the heath. Wild women, and sometimes men, held black Sabbaths, called on a goat-god, reveled in their freedom, spitting in the eye of the authorities – be they lord or church.

What if it were true?

That the cunning ones and the wise women would help those in need with a poultice, charm, or spell. But those who caused strife or abused their authority would be victims of a foul curse. The powers that be, when they stepped over the line, would be on the receiving end of blights that withered their crops, killed their animals, and suffered their home a visit from the pox.

What if it were true?

That there were always those who were too different, too non-conformist, too smart to be caught in the bullshit. Those that worked alone or sometimes in covens. Women and men that walked among us during the day, but at night called down a wrathful goddess to take back for the people what belong to the people.

What if we could make it true?

Peter J. Carroll, father of Chaos Magick, has said, “Magick is best employed to tip the scales of chance in our favor”. It’s the little nudge that pushes probability. That sets us on the right path to fulfill our desire or our will.

Now we see the whole global charade of global capitalism on the edge. Indigenous people are rising up in many nations to stop the rape of the land. Protesters have changed our language, pointed out the massive inequity in our system. Credit markets are failing. Millions in Greece and Spain march against the old oppression, relabeled austerity. The Earth itself is lashing out, saying, “No more.”

All it needs is a little push.