Dream Journal

I’ve decided to blatantly steal from people I follow on tumblr like Haksenhaus and others, in hopes I’m more consistent with my dream work.


Note: I know that this dream is in no way historically accurate.

I dreamt I was a commander of the Allied troops in charge of retaking Amsterdam from the Nazis. After we took part of the town, the Germans encamped on the other side. Every few hours, we would find a corpse. Sometimes dress it in a Nazi uniform and float it down the canal towards their camp in hopes of convincing them we were slaughtering the prisoners and dissidents. Or goal was to lower their morale by making them think we were butchers.  

Later, I met with the German commander and he was obviously appalled by our actions. Mission accomplished.

Some of my men disagreed with the plan. For my part I found it damn funny. It wasn’t like we were actually killing people, just using corpses of those already dead for the greater good.

As a side note, this is the first time in three days I didn’t dream about my last job, which I consider a vast improvement.