I stumbled upon your blog, while sniffing around for blogs on chaos magic. I stumbled upon chaos magic while sniffing around for information on the artist Austin Osman Spare. (I am an artist myself.) I’m curious… are you a solitaire mage or do you work within some sort of pagan/occult group or network? Do you think being part of a group is necessary to development as a mage, or does structure contradict the nature of chaos magick itself? Cheers, Arc (Also I very much like your icon.)

Thanks for the compliment and the questions. I am jealous of you already. I am not, but have always wanted to be a graphic artist. I’m afraid all my artistic skills are in the written word. I’m glad you like my Chibi-Baphomat icon. It seems so appropriate for chaos magick.

I practice solitary myself. I would say it does not inhibit you from becoming an excellent magus. It does, however, make some types of rituals more difficult. I often wonder if a good initiation would help me open my mind, but that’s impossible to pull off as a solitaire. I do long to see how powerful a group working together can be.

My difficulty in finding a group is partially geographic. You just don’t find many practicing chaos magicians in Indianapolis. Not that I would necessarily feel the need to join with just chaos magicians. As long as I felt a synergy with the groups belief structure, I could work within it. So far, the two most organized groups, wiccans and thelemites, don’t fit the bill for me. I also feel that you should develop a level of trust with people you do ritual with.

I don’t think there’s anything truly inherent in chaos magick that makes forming groups impossible. The individualistic and sometimes self-centered nature of chaos magicians themselves does make things difficult. I am a part of a couple of online networks, but they lack organization, and I have yet to do any real work with them. I also attend a couple of local groups for discussion, but not practice.

I’m not above starting an online network that performs related magicks to see if they can influence each other’s workings.

In the end, I can see the benefits of working with other magus, but I don’t feel the need to rush into it. If a group comes along that I feel comfortable working with, I would do it. If not, I don’t think it’s going to stop me from achieving my goals.

Quero Regnum