Invocation of Pan

I realize I need to do some more invocation. Partially for the sake of protection. Having a god inside you can help drive out nasty influences. I’m not one to say the Devil did it, but my previous little jib at Orias may have pissed him off. I did not approach him with respect, and may have gotten smacked for it.

This is in a skeletal form right now. I performed it for the first time today, and it was pretty good but obviously needs more substance to bring on a full trance state. As I continue to perform the ritual i’m sure more of it will come to me.

Music: Afro Celt Sound System  – Riding the Waves
Enter the circle wearing only an open robe.

Opening the Channel – Perform the Middle Pillar using wand

Devotion – Trace the symbol of Pan before you.
“Hail Pan. Lord of the beasts. All wine, all songs, all dances are to your glory.”
Make offerings of incense and wine

Calling Forth – Assume the god form.
Perform Invoking pentagram to the East
“Breath of Passion”
Turn to the South – assume the god form – pentagram
“Inflamed with rage”
Turn to the West – assume the god form – pentagram
“Buried in pleasure”
Turn to the North – assume the god form – pentagram
“Drunk with desire”
Turn to the East – assume the god form
“Enter me”
Bring self to erection or point of excitement.

Drama – Perform the Dance of Pan (for me a sort of hopping circle, scratching at the ground with my hooves and snorting).

Release – Howl


“When a person, by means of his studies, reaches the level at which he wants nothing but spiritual elevation and at which he accepts only the bare necessities of life in order to sustain his physical existence, not for pleasure’s sake, this is the first step of his ascent to the spiritual world.” 
— Talmud, Psachim

Two years ago, while delivering his State of the Union address, President Obama looked the Supreme Court justices in the face and told them they were wrong to have allowed special interests to spend without limits on campaigns. “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests,” he said. “They should be decided by the American people.”

On Monday, the president abandoned that fundamental principle and gave in to the culture of the Citizens United decision that he once denounced as a “threat to our democracy.” [On Monday, Obama embraced the Citizens United-esque ‘Super PACs’ in his re-election campaign]

And this is why Obama is a man without principles. A typical politician who believes in winning no matter how he does it. This is why I refuse to vote Democrat or Republican. It is time for a new constitutional convention.

New York Times editorial (via curiousaleta)

The strange thing is that he probably could have a formidable campaign without the PACs and he would then be a leading example for the people running after. 

(via karamazov-alexei)

Really? In this political climate, how is Obama supposed to beat his GOP opponent, especially if that person is Mitt Romney and is being funded by all of Wall Street? Economics determines election results. Part of the reason why Obama won in 2008 is because he was funded more than McCain was by PACs and Wall Street. This time around, Big Money is going with GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney. Obama would really hurt himself strategically if he didn’t embrace super PACs. This doesn’t necessarily mean, if pressured enough, he won’t fight Citizens United. Right now, you have to play the Washington game in order to be successful. That’s how badly corrupted our system is.

(via mohandasgandhi)

A $250 billion per year loss would be almost $800 for every man, woman, and child in America. And 750,000 jobs – that’s twice the number of those employed in the entire motion picture industry in 2010. The good news is that the numbers are wrong. In 2010, the Government Accountability Office released a report noting that these figures ‘cannot be substantiated or traced back to an underlying data source or methodology,’ which is polite government-speak for ‘these figures were made up out of thin air.’

The Freakonomics guys call bullshit on the MPAA’s piracy numbers (via theyoungradical)

Due to a surprise gift from a new friend I was able to put my absinthe set to good use. Now I want to get a half-dozen of my most intelligent friends and have an absinthe fueled debate into the wee hours.