The Ankh of the New Aeon
Emanations of Eschaton
An Import of my Tumblr Blog
The Ankh of the New Aeon
Emanations of Eschaton
The Ankh of Existence
Emanations of Information
Xaos – Chaos Mægick: I remember when the Internet was hard, and the web only a modicum…
I remember when the Internet was hard, and the web only a modicum easier.
I remember knowing the aim was to connect everyone and to provide a platform for every person to share knowledge and expressions (a noble aim that will not manifest ‘til everyone has food and safety). The web wasn’t…
”We do not feel as though we need tolerance for homosexuals. We do not tolerate homosexuals. We simply accept as who they are just as we would accept ourselves or the person next to us. It isn’t tolerance, it is outright acceptance of people as they are.”
The Lo Shu & The He T’u ~ partially redrawn from ‘Astronomia Europaea’ , by Ferdinand Verbiest (1687)
“From Occupy Frankfurt. The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protest clearing the way for them.”
This makes America look awful.
Because America is awful