Month: May 2012
“This shall be my Kabbalah"
xaos replied to your post: A New Path
A great read, and I share many of your mentioned way-markers. I’m just wondering if there’s a ‘pagan pantheon apologist’ agenda? (‘apology’ as in ‘Christian Apologetics’, not ‘sorry’).
Yes, it is in it’s way pagan apologetics in that it argues paganism contains theology and depth just as valid as the Abrahamic religions and religions of the East.
It does not, however, attempt to justify practices of ancient pagans. I see no defense for burning people alive in the Wicker Man or sacrificing prisoners to the sun god. It is very much a neo-pagan perspective.
Second, it does not imply paganism is a “better” religion than any other. If you found your path with Christianity or something else, more power to you. It does mark a line in the sand. Religions that refuse to respect other religions (and I mean respect, not just tolerate. You can’t tell me I’m going to Hell because I don’t believe like you do), should not be tolerated.
Sorcerers say that true rebellion, and humanity’s only way out as a species, is to stage a revolution against their own stupidity. As you can understand, this is solitary work.
The Sabbath of the Goat
O! the heart of N.O.X. the Night of Pan. {Pi-Alpha-Nu}: Duality: Energy: Death. Death: Begetting: the supporters of O! To beget is to die; to die is to beget. Cast the Seed into the Field of Night. Life and Death are two names of A. Kill thyself. Neither of these alone is enough.
I cannot get caught. I will not, want to. Can and will do. These things I call to. I AM this Angel, I AM this man. I bleed upon cutting. I feel and hurt just like you.
000 (via liber000)