Month: May 2012
During the unseasonably warm March this year, for the first time in my life, I mixed soil, water, and blood, and planted flowers in the earth.
Today, I had my first bloom.
In Nomine Babalon
We do not truly believe you went to the moon, but you did. You may not believe we achieve enlightenment in one life time, but we do.
Wade Davis: The World Wide Web of World Culture
Yes, Serpent and the Rainbow Wade Davis. Magicians take note. Do you keep the world in balance?
Why isn’t closing 40 Philadelphia public schools national news?
In what should be the biggest story of the week, the city of Philadelphia’s school system announced Tuesday that it expects to close 40 public schools next year and 64 by 2017. The school district expects to lose 40% of current enrollment to charter schools, the streets or wherever, and put thousands of experienced, well qualified teachers, often grounded in the communities where they teach, on the street.
Ominously, the shredding of Philadelphia’s public schools isn’t even news outside Philly. This correspondent would never have known about it save for a friend’s Facebook posting early this week. Corporate media in other cities don’t mention massive school closings, whether in Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, or in this case Philadelphia, perhaps so people won’t have given the issue much deep thought before the same crisis is manufactured in their town. Even inside Philadelphia the voices of actual parents, communities, students and teachers are shut out of most newspaper and broadcast accounts.