Grand High Pooh-Bah

I, ScrollofThoth, AKA Frater Threskiornis, do hereby nominate myself to be the first Grand High Pooh-Bah of the Consilium of Tumblr Magicians. 

Can I get three ayes?

Charter of the Consilium of Tumblr Magicians

Membership in the Consilium is open to all regardless of rank, ability, or magical style. All are welcome from 9=2 magi of the Golden Dawn, to 1st year wizards at Hogwarts.

To become a member in good standing, one must first declare their membership to the Grand High Pooh-Bah. Second, actually do some fucking magick. Last, every once in a while, post the processes and results of that magick on tumblr, using the tag #CoTM.

It shall be the duty of the Grand High Pooh-Bah, to reblog said posts on their tumblr page for as long as they hold the office.

The Grand High Pooh-Bah shall be selected by a vote of at least three members and hold that office until they receive three votes of no-confidence from the membership, or they pass the buck to someone else who is then ratified by the membership.

Answering Questions on Magick

Dear everyone I have given advice to:

In case I forgot to mention it, all the things I’ve said are things that work for me in my experience. You may get different results. I am not an expert, but I know a bit that I am happy to share.

I think it’s important for magicians to share their experiences. 

Maybe someone could whip up a nice logo for a Consilium of Tumblr Magicians and we can get something going here.