Month: May 2013
Ave Babalon
Doing It
There’s a lot of posts on tumblr saying you should cast away the daily grind and follow your dreams. Well, I’m doing it. I have decided to make writing my career. It’s my dream come true. If you could help someone do that, with minimal effort, would you?
Sunday, May 5th, is my birthday. To celebrate, both book one of my serialized novel, My Babylon, and my short story Matchmaker, will be FREE on Amazon. I appreciate all well wishes. However, I really want just one thing for my birthday – reviews.
Please take the time to download a copy. Just downloading it makes it climb a little higher on the Amazon rankings, making it easier to find.
After downloading, PLEASE leave an honest review. Reviews are the only way independent authors get noticed. We have the ability to lessen the power of the gatekeepers, and promote the media we like. Use it!
You can also leave reviews on iTunes for my podcasts, Scroll of Thoth, and Geeks Out After Dark.
And don’t forget those Facebook shares and likes, and twitter mentions, that Amazon and all those pages have to help spread the word. You can even reblog this post.
I appreciate so much everyone who has helped me with this. All of the people I follow on tumblr have been inspirational. Thank you doing what you do.
Just a word on why supposed holy men would wish to summon demonic entities: In a book I read recently (I don’t recall which, I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately), it was mentioned that as well as other methods, such as sensory deprivation or over-stimulation, utter terror is an effective method for suspending disbelief, shutting down the mundane voice that would otherwise cast doubt upon the operation and render it inert. Fear of divine retribution would certainly suffice for these priests.
This is a damn good point. Thanks for sharing.