Signs and Portents

After spending the morning in aeonic musings, I just witnessed a crow chase a hawk around for five minutes.

Since this locality lacks the ibis, I am seeing the crow as a good replacement symbol, due to their intelligence and ability to adapt speech. 

It seemed to be saying, “Fuck you Horus. Fuck you very much.”

I take this as a good sign and a prodding to do more aeonic magick. An Invocation of the New Aeon is in order for tonight.


I rarely speak of my own belief system. My path is my path, and it’s not my job to convince anyone to follow it.

But it is plain to anyone who has eyes to see, after the aeon of the petulant child, Horus, the next age is the aeon of Information. The Aeon of Thoth.



This demon is also sometimes known as Tap. The text of the Lemegeton reads: “he is a President; and a mighty Prince; he appeareth when the Sun is in some of the Southern Signs in a humane shape; Going before him 4 Great and Mighty Kings knowing Philosophy; and all the Liberal Sciences; he can cause love or hatred, and make men insensible; he cann teach you how to Consecrate those things that belong to the Dominion of Amaymon his King, and cann deliver familiars out of the Custidy of other Magicians; and men most speddly an Kingdom to Another at the will and pleasure of the Exorcist; he ruleth 66 Legions of Spirits; he was of the Order of Potentates;” (Sloane 2731)

She is the aspect of physical existence of man that cannot be controlled. Thus, man attempts to deny and repress these parts by creating a structure for his existence in which this wild force is unable to fit. But this force, nonetheless, ceaselessly penetrates our structures with its wild force and breaks all attempts at creating a peaceful Eden. Lilith will not lie beneath. This can be viewed as a metaphor of the Mother Earth who does not allow herself to be exploited. At any given moment she can open her womb and swallow man’s phallic monuments. She is the earthquake that devours the skyscrapers and church towers in her womb

Thomas Karlsson, “Qabalah, Qlipoth and Goetic Magic” (via hijodelagua)


”And These are the Rotten Blood Spears that Target your Emotions & Conscience , Granting all THE VOID THAT YOU NEED to be a Rebel Shadow in this Eternal Battle Against the Slaves of Purity & Straightness.

All thought is metaphor. The map is not the territory. Every verbal map we make is metaphor, but existence is not words, it is not mathematical equations, the universe is much bigger and more complicated than any verbal map we can make of it. The map is not the territory. The words that describe the map are not the territory, are even further from the territory, so the map is a generalization that doesn’t fit any particular territory. What I perceive is not out there, it’s just what I perceive.

Robert Anton Wilson (via newuseforoldcircuits)