
In these days the Esoteric is lost in the rubbish of the Exoteric as the Soul is lost in matter.

But time flows on in cycles vast in extent, and the Divine Principle gradually works out of the rubbish and asserts itself.

From San Francisco to Chicago to Atlanta to New York, police conduct sweeps on the street, profiling people based on race and gender identity and using vague anti-prostitution laws against “loitering with intent” to justify their arrest. Federal law enforcement agencies monitor sex workers’ online advertisements and websites, in conjunction with local law enforcement, posing as customers to conduct surveillance. They say they’re investigating trafficking, but arrest many more adult sex workers than they file trafficking charges against those who may exploit them.

Thursday, May 15th – Sunday, May 18th

Mental/Physical Condition: coming out of depression

So I have a mental illness. For the second time in my life, and maybe more that I have not recognized, I have gone through a serious bout of depression. Days when I find myself utterly without hope and weeping openly at the slightest thing, or for no particular reason at all. I think the last one was worse, when I actually felt suicidal. This time, not so much, but it was bad enough. Maybe I’ve had this all my life and it’s only now that I have true recognizable patterns. I don’t know. But I am feeling better.

I performed the Invocation of Chaos on Thursday out of a sense of duty. It did not go very well. I had a few moments that I was into it, but not much. I totally screwed the Ouranian Barbaric incantation at the end. Lucky for me the rest of the Knights have postponed their ritual until tomorrow, and it looks like they are basing their ritual off of mine. So I will try it again on Tuesday when we will all be working together. I am anxious to see if I feel anything different with the others performing the ritual at the same time.

On Friday things were rough. There was a time in the morning I had to leave work for twenty minutes lest I break down. On Friday evening I was out picking up tables for our garage sale with my brother-in-law. We had to work in the pouring rain. As we drove back, we were under billowing black clouds but up ahead it was pure sunlight from the setting sun, blinding us. I turned to him and said, “At least we could get a rainbow out of this shit.” Secretly, I wished I had enough magick in me to make such a thing occur. Even though I knew better to test magick just to see if will work, I wanted a sign to help get me out of my melancholy. We got out of the car and I started to trudge back into the house when my brother-in-law called out, “There’s your rainbow.” Sure as shit, there it was. A magnificent one, a complete double-bow shining out, surrounded by a golden glow. I went and got my wife and took her out for ice cream. As we drove, dozens of cars were pulled over to the side of the road just to watch the rainbow, it was that spectacular. So I’m taking credit for making a whole bunch of people’s lives a little better for just those few moments. Thank you Heimdall, for showing me the way.

So with a lot of shit now gone my garage has more space and is much better organized. Tonight, I will clean everything off my altar, wash the altar cloth, clean up the dried rose petals, and start fresh.



I read about this awhile ago in a book.

People who receive organ donations go through personality changes and characteristic similar to those of the donor. 

 In a study, a patient received a heart transplant from a man who was killed by gunshot to the face, and the organ recipient then reported to have dreams of seeing hot flashes of light directly on his face.

In another case, Claire Sylvia, a heart transplant recipient who received the organ from an 18-year-old male that died in a motorcycle accident, reported having a craving for beer and chicken nuggets after the surgery.

She also began to have reoccurring dreams about a man named ‘Tim L.’ Upon searching the obituaries, Sylvia found out her donor’s name was Tim and that he loved all of the food that she craved


These cases may support the cell memory theory. But as someone who wants to study the human consciousness, I have this one question.

What does this say about the human mind? Is it only stored in the brain? Can our cells also have the capacity to store information such as memory and personality? Are they aware of what makes us, who we are? Are they conscious in that sense?

If I go for my masters, this could be my main study for my thesis.

And if we find that organs have consciousness, will we discover that any sufficiently complex system also has thoughts and ideas? Like the weather or ecosystems or the vast and complex system of subatomic particles that make up matter and energy? Perhaps the animists were right along. Do all things have their own spirit?


Babylonian Boundary Stone with Divine Iconography

Made of limestone, this boundary stone (kudurru in Akkadian) records a deed of gift of land from the governor of the Sea-Land to an individual named Gula-eresh. In the upper part of the stone are a series of emblems, including divine emblems of certain Mesopotamian deities. For example, the solar disc at the apex was associated with Šamaš, the god of the sun and of justice. The turtle below it was one of the symbols of Enki, a powerful god associated with wisdom, magic, and incantations. The lower part of the stone records the transaction and describes the boundaries of the land in cuneiform. (Source)

Middle Babylonian, 1125-1100 BCE.

British Museum.