Seriously tho if your religion gets 100% government funded schools on top of being a majority in my country you don’t get to whine about persecution.
When your religion is literally the most dominant form of Christianity in North America you don’t get to whine about…
The entire idea of cultural appropriation is garbage and smacks of White Man’s Burden. Cultures have borrowed, stolen, and exported ideas since there have been cultures. If you find the ideas of another cultural to be true for you, use them.
Don’t go around saying you are now a member of that culture and don’t make their cultural dress your Halloween costume. But that’s not cultural appropriation. That’s racism.
As I said in another post, appropriation is a complex subject that must take into consideration the idea of theological blasphemy/heresy (as is the case with Theistic Satanism in many forms as I mentioned), direct oppression (as was the precursor to Vodou/Santeria/Condomble/etc as I mentioned as well), as well as genuine evolution of thought and expansion of paradigm (as with things like Masonry and Thelema and more as I have mentioned).
But some random ass neowiccan insisting on using the physical formula (the tech, if you will) of a Christian sacramental as well as the name of the Christian sacramental for their own purposes because yoloswag and they feel like it is just unethical on an intellectual basis and immoral on a theological basis.
It is only immoral to you and what they practice is none of your business. It’s not like they’re forcing it on you. Are they claiming to be Catholic? No.
And stealing the tech is EXACTLY what they should be doing. That’s how we spread good ideas.
All art and science is theft. We all build on each other. The only greater sin than not acknowledging someone else’s ideas is trying to hoard them for yourself.
Except as I said, their theft in this case is intellectual bankrupt. It is done without reason, logic, or justification. It is the difference between Crowley’s extensive application and expansion of Qabbalistic theory and Wicca’s general appropriation of all divinities and obsessive reduction into MMC trinities. It’s the difference between nationstates stealing the idea of nuclear theory for their own selfish purposes rather than the betterment of the nationstate.
Your nuclear analogy is overblown. What most of those people are doing is playing. The exploration of a new spirituality is mostly a game at first. That’s okay. Playing is one of the best ways to learn.
Seriously tho if your religion gets 100% government funded schools on top of being a majority in my country you don’t get to whine about persecution.
When your religion is literally the most dominant form of Christianity in North America you don’t get to whine about…
The entire idea of cultural appropriation is garbage and smacks of White Man’s Burden. Cultures have borrowed, stolen, and exported ideas since there have been cultures. If you find the ideas of another cultural to be true for you, use them.
Don’t go around saying you are now a member of that culture and don’t make their cultural dress your Halloween costume. But that’s not cultural appropriation. That’s racism.
As I said in another post, appropriation is a complex subject that must take into consideration the idea of theological blasphemy/heresy (as is the case with Theistic Satanism in many forms as I mentioned), direct oppression (as was the precursor to Vodou/Santeria/Condomble/etc as I mentioned as well), as well as genuine evolution of thought and expansion of paradigm (as with things like Masonry and Thelema and more as I have mentioned).
But some random ass neowiccan insisting on using the physical formula (the tech, if you will) of a Christian sacramental as well as the name of the Christian sacramental for their own purposes because yoloswag and they feel like it is just unethical on an intellectual basis and immoral on a theological basis.
It is only immoral to you and what they practice is none of your business. It’s not like they’re forcing it on you. Are they claiming to be Catholic? No.
And stealing the tech is EXACTLY what they should be doing. That’s how we spread good ideas.
All art and science is theft. We all build on each other. The only greater sin than not acknowledging someone else’s ideas is trying to hoard them for yourself.
Seriously tho if your religion gets 100% government funded schools on top of being a majority in my country you don’t get to whine about persecution.
When your religion is literally the most dominant form of Christianity in North America you don’t get to whine about…
The entire idea of cultural appropriation is garbage and smacks of White Man’s Burden. Cultures have borrowed, stolen, and exported ideas since there have been cultures. If you find the ideas of another cultural to be true for you, use them.
Don’t go around saying you are now a member of that culture and don’t make their cultural dress your Halloween costume. But that’s not cultural appropriation. That’s racism.