
“O’ Sethos! Rise up and remember!
Recall the Promise once stain’d in red upon the primal dust of Earth!

By baying dog and moon-beam, by lantern, stave and upright stone
Come fathom the starlit heights of Heaven in the Old Dew-pool of Cain.

Come ring the blood round with the Serpent,
Come turn the skin of time,
Come pace about the corpse of Abel,
here break the Fate of Mortal Man!

Here cast forth the Visions from Yesterday, from Tomorrow, unto Today.
Here open the Way for the Crooked Path, for the Pathway forever to be!

O’ Sethos! Rise up and remember, ‘Til Thy Namesake, the Man of Light, is born!”

Imagery and text from “The Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft” by Andrew D. Chumbley (3rd Edition), 6019 Anno Lucis.