The mother of my child and I recently split up. I have been presented with two great life opportunities that would benefit me financially and romantically. I am at a loss and desperate for some sort of sign or help with what to do. Anything in the cards for me about that?

Prince of Disks

Take things slow. But don’t over plan things. But do not let
your guard down, either. There are politics in every circle. Also, don’t be so
damned worried about keeping up with them. There’s at least one of them who
doesn’t have their shit together as well as you do.

as i move out of my comfort zones and engage socially with people who i used to consider better than me, how can i cope with and process going without the constant validation i reactively feel like i need in these situations?

Prince of Disks

Take things slow. But don’t over plan things. But do not let
your guard down, either. There are politics in every circle. Also, don’t be so
damned worried about keeping up with them. There’s at least one of them who
doesn’t have their shit together as well as you do.

Pulling the first card for myself. This says for me…

Prince of Swords

Fight for your right to party, but don’t be a dick about it.
Don’t be a dick at the party, either.

Free Tarot Readings

Old Frater Therskiornis is making a serious connection with
the spirits tonight. I do believe it’s good time for Tarot. I’ll take requests for
free one card tarot readings until about 1:00 AM EST

If you want a free one card reading, drop a question in my
Ask box. Before you ask, however, consider throwing a few bucks at my paypal,
which can be found in the right hand column at the website for my podcast –

I also do more detailed three card readings for $15. For
those light some incense, break out the florida water, and call on the

So, go ahead and send me an Ask with your question. One card
pulls are technically free, but priority will be given to those who donate.



Loa (also spelled lwa) are the spirits of Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo.[1] They are also referred to as “mystères” and “the invisibles” and are intermediaries between Bondye (French: Bon Dieu, meaning “good God”)—the Supreme Creator, who is distant from the world—and humanity. Unlike saints or angels, however, they are not simply prayed to, they are served. They are each distinct beings with their own personal likes and dislikes, distinct sacred rhythms, songs, dances, ritual symbols, and special modes of service. Contrary to popular belief, the loa are not deities in and of themselves; they are intermediaries for, and dependent on, a distant Bondye.[2]Hide
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This article is about a type of spirit. For other uses, see Loa (disambiguation).
“Lwa” redirects here. For abbreviations “LWA”, see LWA (disambiguation).
Loa (also spelled lwa) are the spirits of Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo.[1] They are also referred to as “mystères” and “the invisibles” and are intermediaries between Bondye (French: Bon Dieu, meaning “good God”)—the Supreme Creator, who is distant from the world—and humanity. Unlike saints or angels, however, they are not simply prayed to, they are served. They are each distinct beings with their own personal likes and dislikes, distinct sacred rhythms, songs, dances, ritual symbols, and special modes of service. Contrary to popular belief, the loa are not deities in and of themselves; they are intermediaries for, and dependent on, a distant Bondye.[2]

Etymology Edit

The word loa (or lwa) comes from the French “les lois;”[3] the laws in English.[4]

Syncretism Edit

The most common depiction of the loa Erzulie Dantor is derived from this variant of the sacred icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa.
The enslaved Fon and Ewe in Haiti and Louisiana syncretized the loa with the Roman Catholic Saints—vodoun altars will frequently display images of Catholic saints. For example, Papa Legba is syncretized with St. Peter or St. Lazarus.[5] Syncretism also works the other way in Haitian Vodou and many Catholic saints have become loa in their own right, most notably Philomena, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Jude, and John the Baptist.

Rituals Edit

In a ritual the loa are summoned by the houngan (priest), mambo (priestess), or bokor (sorcerers) to take part in the service, receive offerings, and grant requests. The loa arrive in the peristyle (ritual space) by mounting (possessing) a horse (ritualist) – who is said to be “ridden”. This can be quite a violent occurrence as the participant can flail about or convulse before falling to the ground,[6] but some loa, such as Ayizan, will mount their “horses” very quietly.

Certain loa display very distinctive behaviour by which they can be recognized, specific phrases, and specific actions. As soon as a loa is recognized, the symbols appropriate to them will be given to them. For example, Erzulie Freda will be given a mirror and a comb, fine cloth or jewelry; Legba will be given his cane, straw hat, and pipe; Baron Samedi will be given his top hat, sunglasses, and a cigar.

Once the loa have arrived, fed, been served, and possibly given help or advice, they leave the peristyle. Certain loa can become obstinate, for example the Ghede are notorious for wanting just one more smoke, or one more drink, but it is the job of the houngan or mambo to keep the spirits in line while ensuring they are adequately provided for.

Nanchons Edit

There are many families or “nanchons” (from “nations”) of loa: Rada (also Radha), Petro (also Pethro, Petwo), Nago, Kongo, and Ghede (also Guede, or Gede), among others.

Rada loa Edit
The Rada loa are generally the older, more beneficent loa. They include Legba, Loko, Ayizan, Anaisa Pye, Dhamballah Wedo and Ayida-Weddo, Erzulie Freda, La Sirène, and Agwé. Their traditional colour is white (as opposed to the specific colours of individual loa).

Petro loa Edit
The Petro loa are generally the more fiery, occasionally aggressive and warlike loa, and are associated with Haiti and the New World. They include Ezili Dantor, Marinette, and Met Kalfu (Maitre Carrefour, “Master Crossroads”). Their traditional colour is red.

Kongo loa Edit
Originating from the Congo region, these loa include the many Simbi loa. It also includes Marinette, a fierce and much feared female loa.

Nago loa Edit
Originating from Yorubaland, this nation includes many of the Ogoun loa.

Ghede loa Edit
The Ghede are the spirits of the dead. They are traditionally led by the Barons (La Croix, Samedi, Cimitière, Kriminel), and Maman Brigitte. The Ghede as a family are loud, rude (although rarely to the point of real insult), sexual, and usually a lot of fun. As those who have lived already, they have nothing to fear, and frequently will display how far past consequence and feeling they are when they come through in a service—eating glass, raw chillis, and anointing their sensitive areas with chilli rum, for example. Their traditional colours are black and purple.

Pantheons Edit

Adya Houn’tò
Anaisa Pye
Baron Samedi
Baron Kriminel
Belie Belcan
Boli Shah
Bossou Ashadeh
Boum’ba Maza
Bugid Y Aiba
Captain Debas
Dan Petro
Dan Wédo
Diable Tonnere
Ghede Linto
Ghede Loraj
Ghede Nibo
Ghede Doubye
Gran Maître
Grand Bois
Jean Zombi
Joseph Danger
Kapitan Zombi
Klemezin Klemay
La Sirène
Mademoiselle Charlotte
Mait’ Carrefour
Maîtresse Délai
Maîtresse Hounon’gon
Maman Brigitte
Marassa Jumeaux
Marinette (Vodou)
Manze Marie
Nago Shango
Papa Legba
Ti Kita
Ti Jean Quinto
Ti Malice
Ti Jean Petro
See also Edit

Dahomey mythology
Haitian mythology
Paquet congo

External links

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Last edited 3 days ago by Oshwah
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