Emergent Magick


In 1987, when Samuel Weiser unleashed on the world the first
mass market version of Liber Null &
by Peter J. Carroll, it included a flow chart that expressed the
progress of magical traditions. The chart declared the Magical Pact of the
Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT) as the culmination of all other magical
tradition that proceeded it. While the creators of this book would argue that
the progression of magick is decidedly non-linear, the chart does elegantly express
the idea that magick is not moribund in ancient tradition. That as a living,
breathing art form it progresses. Certainly Carroll did not presume that the
IOT and Chaos Magick, as it would come to be called, would be the final
destination of that progression. Nor do we presume what lies within to be the
last word on magical practice.

It is the next step.

Emergent Magick
presents the distilled learning of a multitude of magical practitioners who
have worked in multiple systems. It represents the cutting edge of magical
thinking and a general consensus on current magical theory. That all being
said, the creators wanted this tome to be useful to a rank amateur with only a
passing interest in magick.

But we haven’t “dumbed it down.” We advise those with no
experience to consume this book slowly, and do not shy away from researching
concepts you may be unfamiliar with while reading. At the same time,
experienced practitioners should not just skip the “how-to” sections of this
book as they represent the application of the new theories put forth.

We hope that at the very least this book generates worthy discussion
on new magical theory. For those who have just joined the ranks of the magi, we
salute you.

Frater Threskiornis
