
The god Thoth with Seti I, in the Tomb of Seti I (KV17)

“The ancients thought of death as the essential prelude to life. The two form a polarity; one is meaningless without the other, and they alternate in all spheres of nature – among men, animals, vegetation and stars. Death is passing from one kind of time to another – from life yesterday to life tomorrow. What is in the Underworld belongs to death, but it is in a state of becoming, where the ‘form’ or shape of things is given in which they will later “appear.””

Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt

by R. T. Rundle Clark



*Saint Cyprian Disaster Relief*

Beginning Saturday Sept 16th I’ll be doing a novena service in honor of Saint Cyprian of Antioch which will culminate on his feast day September 26th.
Before beginning the novena I will be accepting petitions for his intercession on behalf of others and including them in this work.

Saint Cyprian has been beloved and in some cases feared by both orthodox and folk practitioners alike. In addition to having a litany of magical books which make claims of connection to this Sorcerer turned Saint, in certain traditions he is addressed as an unofficial patron of magicians, occultists, witches and necromancers. Cyprian is widely credited with answering prayers and assisting in works of love, uncrossing, protection, and the acquisition of magical and occult abilities.

He is also associated with giving relief to those who have been affected by natural disasters. So in this spirit I am asking that those who would like me to pray on their behalf and include their petitions in this service make a donation of $5 or more in honor of Saint Cyprian to a natural disaster relief fund to help the victims of either Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, or one of the Wildfires currently impacting people in Oregon and Washington.

To participate make a donation to the natural disaster charity of your choice. Then send me a screenshot of your donation receipt along with your full name and your petition through messenger to be included in the upcoming work I am planning. All petitions will be 100% confidential and only shared between the petitioner, myself, and our good Saint.
Honor and Glory to Saint Cyprian.
And may those in despair find relief by his aid.

True magick. Reblog this.

I have noticed that in all of the news reports that Haiti is almost ignored. Haiti is about to be slammed by hurricane Irma, and they are one of the countries least capable of handling another disaster. I just donated $30 to J/P Haitian Relief Organization which has a good track record of working with local people to provide real help. Please consider helping the people of Haiti.


*Saint Cyprian Disaster Relief*

Beginning Saturday Sept 16th I’ll be doing a novena service in honor of Saint Cyprian of Antioch which will culminate on his feast day September 26th.
Before beginning the novena I will be accepting petitions for his intercession on behalf of others and including them in this work.

Saint Cyprian has been beloved and in some cases feared by both orthodox and folk practitioners alike. In addition to having a litany of magical books which make claims of connection to this Sorcerer turned Saint, in certain traditions he is addressed as an unofficial patron of magicians, occultists, witches and necromancers. Cyprian is widely credited with answering prayers and assisting in works of love, uncrossing, protection, and the acquisition of magical and occult abilities.

He is also associated with giving relief to those who have been affected by natural disasters. So in this spirit I am asking that those who would like me to pray on their behalf and include their petitions in this service make a donation of $5 or more in honor of Saint Cyprian to a natural disaster relief fund to help the victims of either Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, or one of the Wildfires currently impacting people in Oregon and Washington.

To participate make a donation to the natural disaster charity of your choice. Then send me a screenshot of your donation receipt along with your full name and your petition through messenger to be included in the upcoming work I am planning. All petitions will be 100% confidential and only shared between the petitioner, myself, and our good Saint.
Honor and Glory to Saint Cyprian.
And may those in despair find relief by his aid.

True magick. Reblog this.