
Hand Ov Fate // 24-01-2018

For my Hand Ov Fate I drew Conjuration 4, Sorcerous Invocation. The task is by altering your environment to alter your behaviors, perceptions, etc. I decided an appropriately calm entity to invoke would be Balance. The concept of Balance and Order and all that is something I’m long familiar with.


1 leg bone of a fawn

1 fresh green pine branch


A lot of space in the woods


So when I got to the woods I walked around until I found a branch which both stuck out to me and felt right for the purpose. I ended up with a green pine branch about the length of my forearm. The branch was held in my left hand, my right hand held the bone. While speaking the Lord’s Prayer I paced the entire circumference of the clearing. Then, having created a bigger sacred space, I sat on the ground and cast the circle around me. In the air to my left and right (which were West and East respectively) I drew the aerial cross. The point of this was to link this smaller sacred space to the greater network of OV23 workings and see what effects that would have. Having established a circle of about 6 ft (1.8 Meters) in diameter, I stood up and played some rhythmic drumming music I often use to establish ambience. I started doing jerky and ecstatic movements and dancing which quickly devolved into spinning in circles while drums beat. Having done that for a good bit of time I fell over in the circle and was immediately hit with a rush of Gnosis. I begin chanting EHEGNOX, meaning Balance in Ouranian Barbaric, until I feel sufficiently altered. Upon opening my eyes I immediately notice a change. I reach out into the Aerial Crosses and instantly my mind is transported to two locations. One hand holds a fetus, the other touches the head of an old man. I am overcome with the realization that one of them will die so the other may live. And just as quickly as it came, it left. Having seen that I decided to get up and walk around my space. The first thing I noticed was that walking was significantly different, I truly felt as though I was two separate sides trying to move. Darkness seemed darker, light seemed brighter. But the most interesting phenomenon was that the moon seemed to be at once lit up on the left half and lit up on the right half but not full. The actual phase was the left half that night. After walking around and toying with this state to no real significant results I decided to banish. A simple LBRP pushed my mind free of the visitor. But then my body decided to banish too, and I vomited on the forest floor. Admittedly, not something that’s happened before.


Over all I’m satisfied with this working. I achieved what was meant to be achieved and not much more. I had an interesting experience and sometimes that’s all you can ask for. I’ll definitely be doing more HOF workings in the future.

~ Sator 334