I’m trying

I’m trying tumblr, I really am. I don’t want tumblr to be like facebook where I feel compelled to just give people a verbal smack down. It’s not productive. 

Then a group of people, who I otherwise respect, start talking shit about a subject that I care deeply about. Just some really dumb shit about an author I like and a spirit I am close to.

I’m trying, I’m really trying to see their side. I understand their side. I know what they are trying to say, but it just comes across as, “anyone who believes other than I do is a bad person.” And it’s infuriating. 

There are merits to their side. There is so much horror in the world, but I really don’t think their perspective has anything to do with fixing it.

The truth is, it’s nuanced. It’s complicated. And no one’s going to take the time to spell that out.

I will say this. I tried their methods. I tried Kabbalah. I tried to force these spirits into ten nice convenient sefirot. I tried to force them into planetary correspondences. I tried to turn them into high concepts and formula. 

Then I met those spirits. And you can’t and they won’t. Why would you even want to? Isn’t the whole point of this to experience the transcendent and not just label it?

If you’re looking for social justice from pagan gods, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m not saying don’t pursue social justice, you’re just not going to get much help from beings that are the personification of pure emotion.