Let the gods know I tried
in this place where I died
oh Egypt how you hold my heart.

And as my mind starts to wander
to those far distant shores,
full of sand inlaid with waters blue-

Let my heart fill with wonder
as my mind thinks of you
and let your glory never dim.

Egypt you hold my heart
as no other ever shall
and to you I shall depart

When this life has grown still.
You are hope to my heart
you are fascination to my mind.

Let your wonders continue on
and the Nile never run dry;
and monuments never crumble

Though the dust swirl o’er and around.
And let Egypt reign supreme
over Desert majesties.

Oh Egypt know I love you
as I always was meant to do.

Myriah I. Starrs, “Egypt- September 2018″, Read More Here (via myriah-iceillia-starrs)