Today we start the first of nine nights leading up to the feast of Saint Cyprian of Antioch which takes the form of a novena honoring and praising the saint. The term novena comes from the Latin “novem,” meaning “nine,” a novena is nine days’ private or public devotion in the Catholic Church for thanksgiving or the request for particular graces. Owing to the saint’s popularity in Iberian piety as…
“Thou wast converted from the art of sorcery, O divinely wise one,
to the knowledge of God, and wast manifested to the world as a
most wise physician, granting healing to those who honor thee, O
Cyprian together with Justina. With her, then, entreat
the Master, the Lover of mankind, that He may save our souls.”
-Kontakion, Tone 1: Saint Cyprian and Justina, martyrs
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EMK also draws influence
from the counter-culture of the 1960s, particularly the psychedelic movement. Timothy
Leary, Aldus Huxley, Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters and the Electric Kool-Aid
Acid Test, and the culture surrounding the Grateful Dead, all espoused the use
of psychedelics in the creation of neo-tribal societies based on community and
individual freedom. This philosophy is perhaps best summarized in the works of
Terence McKenna, and his “stoned ape” hypothesis. McKenna suggested that great
advances in human evolution took place due to our species’ use of psychedelic mushrooms,
and that a return to their use, along with tribal spiritual values, are key to
us returning to Earth-based principles and avoiding the catastrophes of global
war and environmental destruction. In our view, the great social experiment of
the 1960s led to massive advances in rights for women and minorities, and
universal enfranchisement. The reaction of the totalitarian right ended that
progress abruptly. EMK seeks to refine the methods used by those earlier
counter-culture heroes and lead that experiment to its fruition.
of the mythology we know today comes from what has been well preserved. For the
most part, what gets preserved in any culture are things important to the
ruling class. The major gods and goddesses and their stories were certainly
known to the commoners, but for the majority of people, household gods, local
heroes, and ancestors played a more important role in daily life. Any Roman who
had the means kept a room in their home for the ancestors. Many households in
Ancient Egypt and Greece had a small shrine to venerate important family
members that had passed. Even after the spread of Christianity, the cult of the
saints informed public life more than the scripture itself. Ancestor veneration
is well entrenched in almost every human culture.