









I’ve come to inform you all the Ancient Greeks spelled Thoth, the Egyptian deity, as Θώθ

hey, thanks! now die

Actually, Ancient Greek thetas had a dot in the centre, and lowercase letters wouldn’t be invented for several hundred years.

You mean ΘΩΘ

Behold the face of your god.


i mean i have to

Back then mortals worship you

Now mortals use your as a meme phrase

i mean if you ascribe to the belief of collective effervescence being what powers gods in their existence in the first place, shit like this is what raises them back out of the primordial ether

Paging @gentlenecromancer….

Thank you @rembrandtswife I’d also like to add that Djehuty has some great epithets attached to him as well. Among them, “Lord of wine who drinks abundantly” which I can personally relate to and, “Who pleasures the Mistress of Men (Hethert/Hathor) with script” basically making him the god of smut.

Frater T Rants

Why do weed dealers always use such cheap fucking baggies? Would it kill you to spend two cents extra on a Ziplock? Here’s a hint, you could shop at places other than the corner gas station. The bags would probably be cheaper, too.

On second thought, I don’t want you guys driving any further than the corner gas station.

Emergent Magick – Ancestors

Our ancestors also compel us
to learn our history, especially important for the magi. Just a brief survey of
your ancestral culture is most likely to unearth a rich magical tradition. We
have been led to believe that our current societies had been swiftly converted
to monolithic faiths, instantly erasing eons of animist and pagan traditions.
Nothing can be further from the truth. Vestiges of the old ways live on
everywhere if you know where to look for them. From Catholic grandmothers
burying statues of saints in the yard, to Baptist hoodoo practitioners driving
away evil spirits with salt, to the seer stone used by Joseph Smith in the
founding of the Church of Later Day Saints, the magick of our ancestors

If you dig a little
deeper, you find that many of our traditions come from much older, pagan roots.
Many Catholic saints were once pagan gods or folk heroes. Our holidays correspond
with celebrations of our pagan ancestors. All of them believed in magick. Your
ancestors will teach you this.