Performing ritual as a
group adds several dimensions to the magick being performed. Not only does the
original goal of the ritual become clearer for the individual, but the magick
changes the group as a whole. If the purpose of magick is to connect with a
universal consciousness, and alter that consciousness through the creation of
meaning, then practicing magick as an individual will only get you so far.
Other perspectives on the universal consciousness will only enhance that
connection. Concepts that only have meaning for an individual are limited in
their ability to make change. Creating meaning for an entire tribe promulgates
those concepts and makes them something you can interact with. Once the myth
and stories you create are launched into the world through others, they can
continuously expand, as others add to and modify your art. What we make real
for each other has no bounds.
Give praise to Thoth;
Make rejoicing to Him every day.
He Who gives breath to the weary-hearted one
and vindicates you against your enemies.
-Book of the Dead or Going Forth by Day;
Utterance 18, T. G. Allen translation
Thoth was the ‘One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the
Stars and the Earth’, the ‘Reckoner of Times and of Seasons’, the one
who ‘Measured out the Heavens and Planned the Earth’. He was ‘He who
Balances’, the ‘God of the Equilibrium’ and ‘Master of the Balance’.
‘The Lord of the Divine Body’, ‘Scribe of the Company of the Gods’, the
‘Voice of Ra’, the ‘Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge,
Both Human and Divine’, he who understood ‘all that is hidden under the
heavenly vault’. Thoth was not just a scribe and friend to the gods, but
central to order – ma’at – both in Egypt and in the Duat. He was ‘He
who Reckons the Heavens, the Counter of the Stars and the Measurer of
the Earth’.
Quoted from: “Thoth – God of the Moon, Magic and Writing”, by Niall Nicholson
I’m going to kick off this years August for Djehuty with an image of him that I really like. It’s a very modern image from the Kemetic Flashcards Deck, and it was actually the first card I ever pulled from the deck!
‘Rules’ as the same as before, one post in honour of Djehuty each day in August. And a huge thank you to @intaier for inspiring this modern festival!