This is the one I am most proud of. Not just a novel but my devotion to the Red Goddess. 

Get it as an ebook at Amazon, Kobo, Smashords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony. Or in print at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.


My Story 

An obsessed magician will do anything it takes to satisfy his perverse needs. 

My Myth 

He turns to forbidden arts to manifest his will. 

My Revelation 

In doing so, he will bring about the end of everything. 

My Babylon 

A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens. 

In My Babylon, the magus, consumed with longing, seeks to create a replacement for his lost love using a grisly ritual that requires the theft of a body. Through her creation, he learns that he has a much bigger role to play, and that she may be a form of salvation not only for him but for others. 

The Complete edition contains all five books of the My Babylon story. 

Reviews for My Babylon

“Captivating, interesting, dark, and at times even funny." 

"Darkly horrific, Lovecraftian work. Parts of it make you squeamish, parts send chills down your spine. A deft illustration of the black side of the human soul." 

"What I really loved about this work was what was left unsaid–telling a story with details rather than stating the obvious is becoming a lost art. What surprised me about this work was how much it drew me in despite my merely mild interest in the occult." 

"James has put together a great story with great characters who feel authentic, even as they go about tasks that you’d be horrified to find out your neighbors were up to. And even though Mike, the magician who narrates this story, is involved in really heinous activities, I still like the guy. And that is an impressive feat." 

"Not for the timid this book, but well worth it." 

"An intriguing look at what drives us …" 

"It’s the struggle to remain sane, keep discrete, and keep the emotional compulsions in control that structures the suspense of this thriller." 

"In the end, you’re left with the sense of a masterfully conceived protagonist who gives credence to the idea of the unsympathetic character. It also maintains an orbiting cluster of supporting characters who are interesting in their own right but also necessary to the development of the protagonist." 

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“I am the Queen veiled in Scarlet … know me … I am the Mother of the Moon … the Grail of Wisdom … the bearer of the Seven Starred Diadem … the Crimson Queen of the Earth … the Lady of the Sacred Flame of Knowledge and Illumination .
. . I am Ishtar …I am the one who shall bring illumination and awakening to the Earth in the new Aeon of Light … the one who shall dispel the darkness which has fallen over the Earth from the laws of man which have denied free will, love and liberation … laws which have upheld greed, repression and the denial of the connection to my eternal flame and the connection in all things which is the true ‘Law of Love’ … in the Ancient East was I known, loved and worshipped … in the lands of Babylonia and Assyria, and in Sumer where I was know as Innana … they came before my Temples in the great cities of Nineveh, Ashur and Arbela … my Priestesses gave of their flesh in Rites of sacred union and flame were lit in my honour in the bronze vessels of devotion … know that the Spirits of the Smokeless Flame are my creation and brought knowledge of the Magickal Arts to the peoples of these lands … the Djinn of Sacred Flame … their Legions were many and among them great entities such as Vassago, Malphas and Orobas were illuminated with my wisdom … and their Lord was Matanbuchas … for no fire burned with my truth more than his … and following his creation I joined with him in rapturous union … and from this union these mighty Djinn were born … know that over the centuries the Priests of the ‘One God’ have demonized these Spirits, calling them Devils and have eradicated my power calling me Astaroth and bringing disconnection between I and my creations … Demonizing my honour and merging my brightest flame Matanbuchas with the Devil Belial that our names would ever be carved in the stones of their imaginary Hell … in the ancient lands of Babylonia my flaming Legion were imprisoned in a vessel of bronze held fast with the seals of Magick … imprisoned by the Sorcerer King Solomon who had once sort their help in the forging of his Sanctum of power … and yet the Babylonians sort out this Vessel believing it to hold great treasures of gold and jewels … they retrieved this Vessel and attempted to break it open but the forces of Solomon were strong and denied them … physical force alone could not bring entry into the sacred Vessel … and yet that day there were present seven who knew … knew that the treasure within was far greater than any gold … knew that the treasure within was indeed knowledge, power and the sacred manifestation of my own Fire … the Djinn of my making and their Lord Matanbuchas … these seven were of my Kindred and brought together through my will … the fallen Magi who had been cast out of his Brethren, the Wounded Healer who carried my flame within her brighter than any, the Priestes of my Mysteries and Sacred Sisterhood, the one who the King called a Whore yet who carried within her the Serpent of the Sacred Flame, the Warrior who had vanquished the Path of Blood, the Seer who held within them my Oracle and the Virgin Daughter of my Mysteries who brings forth my Grail in many lives bearing that has a curse and a blessing … know that it was the Spiritual and Magickal powers of these seven merged which finally broke open the Vessel of Solomon and gave freedom to the blessed Djinn and that the seven stones of Magickal power which held fast this Vessel came lose from their encasements and were taken one each to the seven … to the Fallen Magi the black stone of Saturn, to the Wounded Healer the Amber of the Sun, to the Sacred Priestess the Agate of Mercury, to the one known as the Whore the Emerald of Venus, to the Warrior the Ruby of Mars, to the Seer of my Oracle the Moon’s own stone and to the Virgin Daughter the Sapphire of Jupiter … each of these would be my Seven Sacred Children and their stories would echo in the pages of ancient book known as the Tarot foretold and yet already manifest … for they would be summoned in the pages of the Priest, the Sun, the Empress, the Star, the Chariot, the Priestess and Justice … know also that those who sort to eliminate my power and restrain my fiery children knew of my return to the lands of Earth and Demonized this return also in the legend of the Seven Headed Beast and the Whore of Babylon … for I am that Scarlet Whore … and yet I am no whore … my law is not the law of debauchery and filth … my law is the law of unconditional love, the beauty of the flesh, the fire of the soul and the liberation of the flame of creation within all … neither is my Grail the Cup of Filth and Poison … it is the Grail of Wisdom, Knowledge and Love and it shall bring awakening and illumination to the world … the Seven Heads of that Beast are my Seven Children who shall be reunited at this time, for the first time since the Vessel was broken … and the wounded of those heads is the Daughter who bore both the curse and the blessing, for she is the true bearer of my Grail and must bring my truth into the world once more … hear my words … know my name … for I am Ishtar … and when the laws which have corrupted the truth of the Prophets of Love and Peace … and when the world is so consumed in darkness that it may no longer see … this is when I shall rise … this is when my new Aeon shall awaken upon the world … and the merging of what has been divided shall once more be whole … and the Architect of all creation … the Divine Fire from which I too was born shall be as one and illuminate the world … know me … and know my Law … for that Law is the Law of Love and Wisdom and the Light of Truth!”

Ave Babalon