My Friend Steve Loy has released another great book. This time, he confronts racism in a dystopian future. The setting reminds me of the Nine Inch Nails concept album Year Zero. An America five minutes into the future that has become inured to constant surveillance, perpetual war, and religious bigotry. 

TODAY ONLY, you can get the entire 700 page novel for only 99 cents.


In the mid-twenty-first century, the United States goes through a fundamental change. White people are now only the largest minority in America. Will they surrender power to the coalition to follow, or fight “to keep what’s theirs”? So begins a terrible, violent game of chess played for the heart and soul of a nation.

Welcome to the world of Steve Tallman, the driven producer of a celebrated news program watched by avid millions over TV, the Net, and cellular. He comes across a document that cannot be believed but is frighteningly true, a database of organizations intent on destroying the basic freedoms Americans take for granted. The perpetrators of this conspiracy push a bill through Congress, an “Equal Opportunity in Government” law that would, if enacted, smother democracy under a new form of apartheid.

What would you do with such incendiary information? Steve does exactly the wrong thing, discovering thereafter that the shadow rulers of the American republic are entities not to be trifled with. Perceiving his news organization as a threat, the conspirators lash out at Tallman, destroying not only his access to media, but everything and everyone touching on his life.

The end? Not at all. For Steve’s cowardly enemy underestimates who they’ve attempted to crush. A journalist, a war hero, a man who lives by razor-sharp virtues, Steve Tallman rallies to come at the schemers from an unexpected and devastating direction. He risks all, including his life and the lives of all around him, for Steve is a patriot in the truest sense of the word.

The question remains, can Tallman defeat a far more powerful and organized political beast? Even more important: succeed or fail, can he survive the effort?

Stephan Michael Loy, who brought you the socially controversial epics of Last Days and Times and Shining Star, now presents a stone-hard parable of the American Dream gone nightmare. Conqueror’s Realm is a deft warning that there can be no justice if justice is not for all.

I want to say again how this is my favorite book by Stephan Michael Loy. The writer does such an excellent job portraying the myths as a human experience. Yet, at the same time, the gods are a personification of ideals that go beyond what we as humans can achieve.

If you have any interest in ancient cultures, religion, mythology, or Egyptology, you will love this book.

Isis Wept will be FREE on Amazon Kindle June 25th-29th. Check it out, and please leave a review.

Free today on Amazon Kindle, Harmonic RES by Stephan Michael Loy.

Harmonic resonance: noise into music, words into literature. Harmonic RES is nine stories in many genres exploring the small truths of who we are as human beings, of why we are here and why we matter. From science fiction to satire, from military fiction to romantic comedy, from short stories to long novellas, Harmonic RES speaks with a unified voice on the enduring question of human nature.

Journey to Mars, once in horror of the plumbed depths of despair and again to find magic in the search for identity. Explore the desert battleground of Iraq. Experience the road-level geopolitics of 1980s Europe. Ride with a small town sheriff on the strangest day of his life. These and other stories highlight the themed question of “What is Man?” that makes Harmonic RES a compelling and entertaining read.

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