Happy Bicycle Day! May all the tribes of Emergent Magick recognize the holy day.

OEM Mythology

It is difficult to argue that the beginning of the 20th century came with a massive change in the collective spirit of humanity. It came with a collective madness that gripped the minds of men. Massive wars, like we have never seen before spread across the planet like wildfire. The wars went beyond the contest of nations but were methods of genocide that happened not only in Germany but on every populated continent. This culminated in the discovery and use of the first atomic bomb.

The splitting of the atom unleashed the potential for the greatest evil the planet has ever known. Ever since our species has been on the brink of ultimate destruction. This great spirit of fear and chaos created a dysfunction that has filtered down to our communities, our families, and our minds. It drives us to consume our planet, abuse our children, and shun our neighbors.

But all is not lost.

Just two years before the first atomic bomb test, the countervailing force that could save us from the atomic monster took form. Its inventor lived in the only country in Europe that refused to fight. A gentle soul who often rode his bicycle to work. I believe it is no coincidence the Albert Hoffman was looking for a way to ease the pain of child birth when he discovered this new, and yet ancient spirit. The creation of LSD was no accident. It was an act of balance. The shaman’s medicine, distilled into its most potent form, was a gift from Gaia. It calls out to the human race to rebuild its love for one another and for the planet.
It has inspired others to call us back to the great meeting place of the tribes. To recreate the rites that have healed our communities since before history. Used in this context, it has the potential to save the world.