Chaos Magick?

“The first thought to consider is the wide expanse of all, any and every esoteric, spiritual, religious, scientific or otherwise tradition, thought or concept throughout the long expanse of history. All of these great many cultural and historical traditions, paradigms and systems of belief had evolved throughout near countless ages and not without their multiple upheavals and revisions. All of these together mark, if you would entertain the visualization, many multicolored tools in a very large box called "Everything.” This box includes those things which you might plainly imagine, and not necessarily a part of history as we understand it.

The second thought to consider is that Chaos Magic as a philosophy and mental vantage point, separate from any official group (including the IOT) is the means by which an individual might sift through the box called Everything, picking and choosing whatever tools he might feel are worthwhile to his own individual, artistic, spiritual or magickal progression as a singular awareness unto himself without any bias or prior attachments. He approaches this Big Box as an unbound person, not believing in any of the toys necessarily or for any prolonged period of time, but picks and chooses whichever ones might work for his goals as he sees fit, for as long as he requires them. Essentially, the only belief he requires in order to perform this is the meta-belief that Belief itself can be used as a tool.

Going one step further, even Chaos Magick might be seen as one of the many toys/tools in the Big Toolbox. It is with this method for the liberation of belief, and upon a vantage point that might be equated to an outsider looking in, that he is free to mix and match or create his own world, personal mythology, methods, techniques or paradigms. His very mind and his life becomes the canvas – and He, as the magician (or by any other name), the Artist. He reclaims the birthright of being the central mandala of his existence.

Anything more or less than that begins to tread into the domains of heavier belief, and is ever yours to determine as an individual.“

– Ellis D. Williams

A Man Without a Country

One more day off for recovery and then back to my regular magical practice. I have had an epiphany. It seems recent return to performing magick every day has once again returned me to thought processes that I cannot ignore. The feeling of anticipation at attending the gnostic mass this weekend and possibly meeting with a member of the A.’.A.’. has changed to dread. Not because I fear I am not worthy but because I know that my magical path does not fit with Thelema.

I constantly chide my Christian friends, “why don’t you change your bible?” Why doesn’t your particular flavor of Christianity hold a conclave, just as many have in the past, and make an official statement. That sections of the Old Testament that condone rape, slavery, and misogyny are not congruent with the teachings of Jesus and our current understanding of God, so we have decided to remove them from our teachings. They shall remain in archive for a deeper understanding of our history, but those passages will no longer be a part of the Bible we present as the example of our faith.

But they won’t do that. And I am fairly certain the reason they won’t do it is because there are those who want to keep those things around in case they need an excuse for the heinous things they do. They are afraid they might make mistakes and instead of having to admit they were wrong use the Bible as justification.

There are those that say as long as you believe in Jesus that you are still a Christian, and you don’t have to believe in those things. I say, if you are a true disciple of Jesus, why do you tolerate those teachings in your church?

I read the Book of the Law and I see the same thing. I see excuses for misogyny, and slavery, and violence. My Thelemite friends try to tell me that’s not what they really mean, that it’s a metaphor. So why not explain it? Why not say that in plain words? There are Thelemites who tell me that as long as I believe in the “Do as thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law,” than I don’t have to acknowledge the rest. That’s the same BS excuse as “if you just believe in Jesus.”

So I can’t do it.

Part of my decision might have something to do with learning that the Illuminates of Thanateros are possibly active somewhere in North America. Perhaps. But my application and ability to join the IOT is a long shot. And even if I do, I’m not so sure I’ll fit in with them. I have shown that I simply cannot change my beliefs on a whim. I have a moral center.

Comedian Patton Oswalt moans that he hates Republicans and he hates hippies. He’s a man without a country. I feel that way about everything, including my magical practice.

I’m not a Wiccan. I respect the cycles of nature, but I am not compelled by them. Ceremonial magick is what moves me, but I am not a Judeo-Christian (Golden Dawn, Rosicrucians), or a Thelemite (A.’.A.’., OTO), and I am not a hardcore worshipper of chaos (IOT?).

Perhaps my chaos brethren will be more understanding if anything else. Until then, I will continue my own practice, building my own system, and keep looking for answers and kinship.

Learn On

I recently attended a class on the Greater Ritual of the Hexagram put on by my local OTO encampment. Like a lot of people I’ve read Liber O a number of times and I’ve always read it from a chaos magician’s point of view. That being, the first question you ask is, “What’s the point? What results are you looking for?” Crowley, being the obtuse SOB that he was doesn’t give many clues.  

So I listened politely as the class went on and the instructor, who was a good instructor, pointed out the varied, subtle, Kabbalistic correspondences you could employ in the hexagram ritual. He did mention a goal, which is invoking the energies of certain elements, planets, astrological signs, and sepiroth.

At the end I was still pretty much at a loss as to why you would want to do such a thing. I did, however, learn that the pentagram and hexagram rituals in themselves are really just plug-and-play forms that fit well with the system of correspondences used by the OTO. Want to have strength in your life? Look it up in 777 (a fucking arduous task as it’s in no way an easy reference), pick out some correspondences add them to the basic framework of your pentagram or hexagram ritual, and voila, you have something to help you build or understand strength. For example, use the greater hexagram ritual invoking fire, mars, and Aries. Use a red cloth, and five red candles, and etc, etc.

Here’s where they lose me. What if I don’t give a shit about the Kabbala as a system of correspondences? What if I find it annoying and arbitrary? Especially the arbitrary part because if the correspondences have no meaning to me, why would they work?

I understand that they are supposed to be a baseline. The fixed code. The collective unconscious. That if I go deep enough that the Kabbalistic correspondences will have meaning to me. And that their seemingly arbitrary nature is what makes it such a useful system for removing lust of result.

But I can’t help but call bullshit. That those who are immersed in the system find meaning because they immersed themselves in the system. They are not discovering some predetermined key to the universe.

And coming full circle, does it make me a bad magician because I have such a hard time making myself believe in it, especially since it has proven to be useful?

A New Magical Order

Yesterday, I wrote a short post on the need to create a new magical order that wasn’t based on a particular faith. It seemed to generate some interest with responses like:

“Exactly what I needed to hear.”

“A tremendously large one (need), and once someone starts the snowball effect will do the rest.”

“I think the need for useless secrecy needs to stop. This is the age of open source, where you should be able to take other people’s code adapt it and make it work your way.”

The responses are pretty encouraging and despite trying and failing at creating magical groups through tumblr before, I am willing to give it another shot. Or at least start a discussion on what a new magical order could look like.

I am talking a physical, in person, initiatory order. In my original post I envisioned a group that had an Inner Order, something akin to the OTO, which functioned as the “social” arm of the order and the branch that performed physical initiations. And also an Outer Order that acted as a magical peer group. Something like the A.’.A.’. where the main purpose is reviewing each other’s work and developing courses of study.

Of course all of this would be open for debate and change. The only thing I know personally is that I would only be involved in the creation of such an order if it were founded on and maintained democratic principles. Not saying that leadership structures could not be created, only that ALL members would have a say in the direction and practices of the organization regardless of grade or rank.

For some interesting observations on the politics of magical orders – see this post by Phil Hine –

So if I receive more than a couple of responses to this post, I’ll set up a tumblr group to facilitate the discussion. I’ll even go so far to say that if at least three people who live in the Ohio River Valley are willing to sit down with me face-to-face, we will officially get this party started. If folks want to start their own local nodes, that would be fucking awesome. Ideally, such an organization would be local, regional, national, and international.

Correction to Scroll of Thoth Podcast

I mentioned in the podcast that a picture of Mr. Carroll had recently surfaced on the internet. It seems he has been able to fool even the great god Google, as the picture they attributed to him has turned out to not be Frater Statistikos. His visage remains an enigma, and I for one hope it remains so as long as he wishes to keep it hidden. In that respect, he is the anti-Crowley. For Peter J. Carroll, it’s about his words, not about his own deification.